We try to run this forum with the utmost in posting freedom with the intention of providing a fun environment for everyone.
However, there are some rules that we must uphold, and the means by which they are upheld are at the discretion of the admin and mod staff. Since Indiana Gun Owners Forum is our house, we reserve the right to ban or punish anyone for anything, without warning.
Here are some of our rules/guidelines. A full list can be found here: https://www.indianagunowners.com/threads/forum-rules-please-read-before-posting.527033/
Here are the Classifed Rules for Buying, Selling, or Trading:
The contents of this web site is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the owners or moderators of Indiana Gun Owners Forum be liable for any damages suffered or alleged to have been suffered in the course of using this web site or the information contained herein. All liability is assumed by the user.
By agreeing to the rules found at the link above, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.