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    • Do you remember the old guy in Nashville who did not drive well? As I remember he drove a huge, old beat up green car. I believe he lived either north of town or on the end.
      It came to me a few minutes ago. I was in Nashville with my oldest grandson, who is in drivers ed, and was trying to tell him about Ralph and could not remember the name.

      Thanks, whenever you come up this way let me know, and Merry Christmas to you and yours
      Grandson? In driver’s ed? You make me feel ancient.

      Merry Christmas to you and yours! I will holler next time. I’m up Indiana way.
      p.s. be sure to tell him that Ralph kept his drivers window down so he could spit chewing tobacco out the window, most of which ended up on the side of the car.
      Thanks for all of the info on Nelson and the history of caskets, I thought it was interesting. Would've repped you, but have to spread it.
      Huskies are very cute; they have such expressive, joyful faces. Thanks for the rep
      I too tried to rep you but can’t figure it out. I truly appreciate the info and history you provided about my rifle!
      I would rep you, but the rep Nazi's won't let me. Great info you provided for the guy that has that Vietnam bringback T53 carbine! I love it when people do that instead of the usual sniping. I wish you a very happy holidays!
      I've forgotten her first name, Eric. Remind me please and I'll add her to my prayer list. I little prayin can't hurt. Hope they find the problem quickly and it's a simple fix. Barb is finally stringing some good days together again after some cardiovascular troubles. Hoping we've dodged that bullet for a while.
      Me, I'm just whining 'cause I'm sore all over from changing the front brakes on my pickup.:):
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