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  • Amishman44
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    • Things are going pretty well, so far. My first project is due on Friday, and it's been pretty challenging.

      We are still staying with friends in Lititz. We may end up renting the next-door neighbor's house starting in September. He lost his wife to cancer several years ago and is getting re-married at the end of August. We'll see...

      How are things going for you?
      Geez Kevin! You jumped on that quick!
      I've been wondering about getting one of those. I know Josh's is good. I even considered an SP101 as my first handgun, but now I figure it'll be something I acquire later on.

      Edit: PS - I've noticed that you've posted on your own "visitor messages" wall. Don't forget that you should really post on the *other* person's wall so that they receive a notification that you're talking to them. If you reply on your own wall, nobody knows you were talking to them.
      Case...welcome to INGO...nice to have you on board. It's a good site, plenty of questions...good answers, and nice people. Hope you enjoy it! do I...but sometimes, I can't help but hear myself speak...I enjoy talking 'guns' and sharing what I know as well as listeningt to what others have experienced.

      BTW...I enjoyed your response to 'Why does everyone love Glocks?' I think it was well thought through, practical, and non-offensive to why other's can't love their guns as much.

      Personally, I believe that carrying a CW is a responsibility, not just for fun or to 'make myself a man' as so many do. I believe in Malachi, during the rebuilding of the wall, wasn't he given specific instructions to 'carry a weapon in one hand and your tool in the other?'

      With little kids and all the crazies running around (we have 29 registered sex offenders living within a one mile radius of our house), I believe it's a responsibility to be prepared to ward off wicked ones vs allow them to interfere and damage or destroy a little one's life...specifically when it comes to the three that I (and Elaine) have been entrusted with from the Lord!

      Elaine and I went to H&H after the breakfast last Saturday morning. She shot her new Ruger SP101 in .38 +P. She wasn't very happy with it b/c, a.) she wasn't used to shooting a revolver, and b.) it's been nearly 5 years since she last fired a weapon (pregnant + nursing). We'll be working on it some more!

      Be careful out there with all this beautiful snow...and say a prayer for me for safety as I have a 45 mile drive home in this after our WBB game at Grace tonight.
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