Ah yes, the hyper liberal DOJ. What do I hear all the time on here? "If you don't want to be arrested, don't break the law"
I hear a lot of people give lip service to integrity, honesty, fairness, morality but it seems to go out the window when it's "your guy". As long as we are treating our representation like a sports team, and the only standard is that "We Win!!" We will continue to swim in the sewer.
I can hear a lot of "BUT WHAT ABOUT.......?" If someone is breaking the law, they should face the charges. It doesn't matter who's "team" they are on.
Please enjoy the following actual INGO quotes.
"Rule #1 - Don't break the law
Rule # 2 - See rule #1"
"Distrusting the police is a criminal thing irregardless of race. Don't break the law don't see the police."
"If someone doesn't like being sued and/or prison time, don't break the law. It seems too simple."
"Maybe, don't break the law even if you're deaf and black."
"I have an idea....... Don't break the law!"
". If you do not want to have interaction with law enforcement, stack the odds in your favor, don't break the law. It is really that simple. "
"If you don't want to get shot don't break the law don't resist arrest."
"Don't break the law and you won't get shot by the cops."
"It's surprisingly easy to do too. Just don't break the law. They really don't keep them a secret"
*names removed to protect the quilty.
There’s whataboutism, which is a way for people not to address a problem with someone or something that they support. But there is also a legitimate reason to bring up “what about”. And that is inequality of outcome.
I think if laws are broken, no one is above being investigated and prosecuted. Even presidents. But if you go after someone of high position. Be consistent. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, but wasn’t. Joe Biden should be impeached, but won’t be.
In this situation, Trump is not the only potus or vpotus to be in possession of classified documents after he left office. Joe Biden had them. Barack Obama. Mike Pence. But the charges here, as far as we know now, aren’t for having the documents. It’s for Trump’s conduct during the investigation.
Former presidents and vice presidents have gotten away with far worse, but this one is actually being prosecuted. If you’re gonna smugly support this one getting prosecuted, I expect you to smugly support Biden being investigated and getting indicted too.
But you won’t because you only care about “justice” when it’s against people you don’t like. If you don’t as eagerly, smugly, condescendingly, want every law breaker arrested, even those who dye their hair purple, then you’re just another partisan **********. So what about that.