President Trump Indicted on Federal Charges

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  • jamil

    code ho
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    Jul 17, 2011
    Ah yes, the hyper liberal DOJ. What do I hear all the time on here? "If you don't want to be arrested, don't break the law"
    I hear a lot of people give lip service to integrity, honesty, fairness, morality but it seems to go out the window when it's "your guy". As long as we are treating our representation like a sports team, and the only standard is that "We Win!!" We will continue to swim in the sewer.

    I can hear a lot of "BUT WHAT ABOUT.......?" If someone is breaking the law, they should face the charges. It doesn't matter who's "team" they are on.

    Please enjoy the following actual INGO quotes.

    "Rule #1 - Don't break the law
    Rule # 2 - See rule #1"

    "Distrusting the police is a criminal thing irregardless of race. Don't break the law don't see the police."

    "If someone doesn't like being sued and/or prison time, don't break the law. It seems too simple."

    "Maybe, don't break the law even if you're deaf and black."

    "I have an idea....... Don't break the law!"

    ". If you do not want to have interaction with law enforcement, stack the odds in your favor, don't break the law. It is really that simple. "

    "If you don't want to get shot don't break the law don't resist arrest."

    "Don't break the law and you won't get shot by the cops."

    "It's surprisingly easy to do too. Just don't break the law. They really don't keep them a secret"

    *names removed to protect the quilty.

    There’s whataboutism, which is a way for people not to address a problem with someone or something that they support. But there is also a legitimate reason to bring up “what about”. And that is inequality of outcome.

    I think if laws are broken, no one is above being investigated and prosecuted. Even presidents. But if you go after someone of high position. Be consistent. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, but wasn’t. Joe Biden should be impeached, but won’t be.

    In this situation, Trump is not the only potus or vpotus to be in possession of classified documents after he left office. Joe Biden had them. Barack Obama. Mike Pence. But the charges here, as far as we know now, aren’t for having the documents. It’s for Trump’s conduct during the investigation.

    Former presidents and vice presidents have gotten away with far worse, but this one is actually being prosecuted. If you’re gonna smugly support this one getting prosecuted, I expect you to smugly support Biden being investigated and getting indicted too.

    But you won’t because you only care about “justice” when it’s against people you don’t like. If you don’t as eagerly, smugly, condescendingly, want every law breaker arrested, even those who dye their hair purple, then you’re just another partisan **********. So what about that.


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    May 26, 2018
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    Why? Has nothing to do with my post. I don't have to defend something I didn't say was defendable.

    I can play that game too though.

    Give me a legitimate reason to refuse Trump refused to turn over classified documents?
    Because he was the ****ing President. And I mean .

    That simple


    Da PinkFather
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    Oct 27, 2008
    NWI, North of US-30
    Really not liking the vibes of all this third world crap these ass-holes are pulling.
    This is exactly the kind of stuff that could spill out onto the street into a big ugly mess.
    Trump stepped down after the first coup, thinking it would help diffuse things, but it didn't.
    All he did was embolden them. Same thing he often said of America's enemies... he just didn't think they were here at home.
    I thought that was a smart move at the time, but now I'm starting to wish for a do-over.
    There may never be another "peaceful transition of power" again, (at least a "legal" one for sure) and that's not a good feeling to have.
    Could very well be the end of the republic we're watching here.
    History shows us that the average life span on world empires (the Roman's, the British, the ottomans. Etc) is 250 years.

    We are 247 years old so we are on the decline and near the end.

    One can not stop destiny. It is inevitable.
    • Sad
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    Da PinkFather
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    Oct 27, 2008
    NWI, North of US-30
    History shows us that the average life span on world empires (the Roman's, the British, the ottomans. Etc) is 250 years.

    We are 247 years old so we are on the decline and near the end.

    One can not stop destiny. It is inevitable.

    2025 is next president
    2029 is the one after that
    2034 would be the one after that.

    Sometime between the 2029 - 2033 president era is when the shtf. When the masses have no funds only then will you see them riot.

    Perhaps the conversation to a digital currency by the central banks ( starts this july) may postpone this but unsure.


    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    It's only a Constitutional Republic if you can keep it that way. Some are not in favor of keeping it that way. They are spitting in the face of the Forefathers who started it and are now trying to destroy it. **** them all. They are not my countrymen.
    Last edited:


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    May 10, 2022
    An interesting timeline from AP.

    Yeah, the AP repackaged the timeline from the indictment to be more readable, but it’s all in the indictment itself.

    I read the indictment for myself. It’s dense and thorough. It was a chore for me to read, but worth it.

    There are pictures, and they are eye-opening.

    I am No lawyer, but I think a jury could reasonably choose to convict based on the evidence contained in the indictment alone. I’m really interested to see how the Trump legal team chooses to argue in defense of the listed charges.


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    May 10, 2022
    There’s whataboutism, which is a way for people not to address a problem with someone or something that they support. But there is also a legitimate reason to bring up “what about”. And that is inequality of outcome.

    I think if laws are broken, no one is above being investigated and prosecuted. Even presidents. But if you go after someone of high position. Be consistent. Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, but wasn’t. Joe Biden should be impeached, but won’t be.

    In this situation, Trump is not the only potus or vpotus to be in possession of classified documents after he left office. Joe Biden had them. Barack Obama. Mike Pence. But the charges here, as far as we know now, aren’t for having the documents. It’s for Trump’s conduct during the investigation.

    Former presidents and vice presidents have gotten away with far worse, but this one is actually being prosecuted. If you’re gonna smugly support this one getting prosecuted, I expect you to smugly support Biden being investigated and getting indicted too.

    But you won’t because you only care about “justice” when it’s against people you don’t like. If you don’t as eagerly, smugly, condescendingly, want every law breaker arrested, even those who dye their hair purple, then you’re just another partisan **********. So what about that.

    Look, I’m all for prosecuting Clinton, or Pelosi, or Biden, or literally any other elected official as long as the underlying charges are based in fact, supported by evidence, and tried in public.

    It wouldn’t bother me if every single elected official is subject to a criminal audit upon completing their commitment, and held accountable for any criminal activity engaged in while in office.

    I balk at the Biden garage document comparison because the main difference is one of cooperation. Obama and Biden were found with documents too, but they cooperated and complied with the government without a fuss where Trump most certainly did not.

    There is a material difference in these situations, and that’s why the Corvette Papers is such a nothingburger compared to Trump’s boxes, at least in my opinion.


    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    Didn't Trump originally return 15 boxes of documents the first time while trying to sort out the rest of the disputed documents with the NA?


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    May 10, 2022

    Biden was not a President so he has no reason to possess any documents.

    The DOJ appears to agree with you, since they demanded those documents be returned.

    Biden de-escalated his situation by returning the government property he was not authorized to possess.

    As President Trump had the ultimate power over all documents, including what he wants to keep for personal archives.

    That does not appear to be factually correct, as evidenced by the ongoing criminal prosecution against Trump.

    What a bunch of malarkey, the government has rigged the system to where the average American commits three felonies a day.

    Thinking like this enables the deep state…

    I don’t disagree with you on this point. One side-effect of having lawmaking bodies meet annually for a couple of centuries is a glut of legislation...everything eventually becomes illegal by statute or administrative action.

    We have far too many people who turn to the federal government to “do something” about their personal fears, and it feeds the bureaucratic bloat that (I think) you identify as a component of the “deep state”. (I think we probably view that term quite differently, but I think I get where you are coming from)


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    May 10, 2022
    Didn't Trump originally return 15 boxes of documents the first time while trying to sort out the rest of the disputed documents with the NA?

    I think you are correct about that, but it it my understanding that the Government did not see the return of the remaining documents as negotiable…

    …hence the subpoena, the subsequent warrant service, and the current federal criminal charges.


    Banned More Than You
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    Dec 29, 2017
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    I don’t disagree with you on this point. One side-effect of having lawmaking bodies meet annually for a couple of centuries is a glut of legislation...everything eventually becomes illegal by statute or administrative action.

    We have far too many people who turn to the federal government to “do something” about their personal fears, and it feeds the bureaucratic bloat that (I think) you identify as a component of the “deep state”. (I think we probably view that term quite differently, but I think I get where you are coming from)

    Please let the record show this Lefty made a statement with which I agree.


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    Aug 18, 2011
    Southside Indy
    Biden de-escalated his situation by returning the government property he was not authorized to possess.
    Yeah, that's not how it's supposed to work. If I were caught with secret or top secret papers that I was not authorized to possess, simply saying, "Oopsie! Here, you can have them back." would NOT let me off the hook. I would be prosecuted and likely do prison time.


    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    I think you are correct about that, but it it my understanding that the Government did not see the return of the remaining documents as negotiable…

    …hence the subpoena, the subsequent warrant service, and the current federal criminal charges.
    Resisting subpoenas seems to be the norm these days.

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    May 12, 2013
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    I just want Biden, Clinton, etc held to the same standard anyone on this board would be.

    Which means he would be in jail right now with his lawyers fighting for his release, while prosecutors argue for no bail.


    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
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