Hayfever. If you have it read this.

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  • DragonGunner

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    Mar 14, 2010
    N. Central IN
    Hayfever....had it since about age 4 maybe. So bad I got tested in the late 60's and I'm allergic to everything that grows in IN. For decades it was 2 shots a week in summer, plus meds. But that did little help. Then for many years a doc would give me one shot of kenalog that helped a bunch, but when he retired they stopped giving it to me and back to suffering, so much that would miss days at work. Lately I have used Claritin from phamacy that you have to show ID...it helps and am on it for 30-40 days and don't like how it makes my head feel. So I heard about people with hayfever drinking Stinging Nettle Tea. What a bunch of crap.......really.....? So this early summer I harvested stinging nettle, dried and jared it and on June 14th started drinking 1 glass a day, and in the middle of August went to two glass, in morning and glass in the evening so twice a day. I'm told the tops of these nettles have 5x the vitiman C of a orange among other things. Today I still don't have the hayfever kicking in kicking my butt! Its way over due and pollen count is over 10 for awhile now. When Pollen count hits 7-8 I know it. Yesterday I mowed the yard and came in with hayfever, drank my glass of tea and a hour later felt way better. I have never got this far into the season without meds and never felt this good. I should of been on meds and eyes swelling and unable to breath through my nose days ago....I will update as Sept goes by, but usually by mid Sept I start to feel better and by the end of Sept complety off meds. I have not takin any meds yet and feel great! This is unreal!!! I'm 61 and wish I knew about Nettles other than being a weed 55 years ago!!!! The testing continues, I'm still mowing the yard and being outside more than ever....nettles.....it was worth the try!


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    Mar 14, 2010
    N. Central IN
    Stinging nettle or wood nettle?
    They say either one is good. But I been using stinging. Just don’t confuse stinging with white snake root. Snake root can kill you and I at first gathered some but found my mistake while drying it. Snakeroot won’t sting you, that’s the test. They both look similar when as younger plants.


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    Mar 10, 2022
    Madison Co Indiana
    They say either one is good. But I been using stinging. Just don’t confuse stinging with white snake root. Snake root can kill you and I at first gathered some but found my mistake while drying it. Snakeroot won’t sting you, that’s the test. They both look similar when as younger plants.
    Ahhh..... plant
    When one says stinging nettle to a kid from The Chesapeake we think different.


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    Apr 10, 2013
    Howard County
    Had hay fever most of my life. Got tested a long time ago. Nurse came in with a box with about 50 little vials. She used a needle to punture two rows on each of my forearms. She put a drop from each vial on them. Told me not to itch any of them or I would mess up the test. Within a couple minutes I had welts at several of these and a very strong desire to scratch them. I didn't. When she came back in 5 minutes later, some of the welts were larger than the diameter of a nickel. Doctor put me on a nasal spray and it helped some, but I still had watery eyes and sneezing fits thoughout the day.

    A few years later my GP changed me over to Nasonex spray and it made a huge difference.

    Now, I seem to have outgrown the hay fever. I wouldn't start taking the Nasonex until I started having symptoms, around Aug 15. About 4 years ago, I never got any symptoms. And haven't had any since. Not sure what changed, but that was about the time I was diagnosed with CLL. Maybe my screwed up lymphocytes and white blood cell count suppress the mechanism that allowed the hay fever.


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    Mar 14, 2010
    N. Central IN
    Had hay fever most of my life. Got tested a long time ago. Nurse came in with a box with about 50 little vials. She used a needle to punture two rows on each of my forearms. She put a drop from each vial on them. Told me not to itch any of them or I would mess up the test. Within a couple minutes I had welts at several of these and a very strong desire to scratch them. I didn't. When she came back in 5 minutes later, some of the welts were larger than the diameter of a nickel. Doctor put me on a nasal spray and it helped some, but I still had watery eyes and sneezing fits thoughout the day.

    A few years later my GP changed me over to Nasonex spray and it made a huge difference.

    Now, I seem to have outgrown the hay fever. I wouldn't start taking the Nasonex until I started having symptoms, around Aug 15. About 4 years ago, I never got any symptoms. And haven't had any since. Not sure what changed, but that was about the time I was diagnosed with CLL. Maybe my screwed up lymphocytes and white blood cell count suppress the mechanism that allowed the hay fever.
    Ya In late 60’s Ball State put 100 drops with needle poke on my back. I’m allergic to about everything… lol.


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    Nov 22, 2011
    Ya In late 60’s Ball State put 100 drops with needle poke on my back. I’m allergic to about everything… lol.
    Me too.

    Got tested in my early 20s. They drew a numbered grid on my back and poked me with about 50 needles.

    Nurse said, you might get a little itchy, but please don't scratch. I'll be back in 15 minutes to check on you.

    She barely left the room and I was DYING. I had never itched like that.

    She was passing back by the open exam room door just a few minutes later and I flagged her down. She looked in the room and said, OMG!

    I said, lady, that is NOT a response a patient wants to hear from their healthcare provider. She said, uhh... I will go get the doctor right away.

    I managed to sneak a peak of my back in a mirror. It looked like I'd been whipped. Instead of individual little bumps, the welts all merged together into stripes.

    The only two thing I was poked with that I had no reaction to were milk and soy.

    Somewhere in my 30-40s, I just kinda grew out of most of my allergies. Though I did recently develop a tree nut allergy that really sucks. And I can now get poison ivy, which I never could as a kid.


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    Jul 19, 2011
    north/central IN
    Me too.

    Got tested in my early 20s. They drew a numbered grid on my back and poked me with about 50 needles.

    Nurse said, you might get a little itchy, but please don't scratch. I'll be back in 15 minutes to check on you.

    She barely left the room and I was DYING. I had never itched like that.

    She was passing back by the open exam room door just a few minutes later and I flagged her down. She looked in the room and said, OMG!

    I said, lady, that is NOT a response a patient wants to hear from their healthcare provider. She said, uhh... I will go get the doctor right away.

    I managed to sneak a peak of my back in a mirror. It looked like I'd been whipped. Instead of individual little bumps, the welts all merged together into stripes.

    The only two thing I was poked with that I had no reaction to were milk and soy.

    Somewhere in my 30-40s, I just kinda grew out of most of my allergies. Though I did recently develop a tree nut allergy that really sucks. And I can now get poison ivy, which I never could as a kid.
    i was tested when i was a kid, and seemed to outgrow a lot of it, but my seasonal allergies started getting worse again around my 40s.


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    Jul 19, 2011
    north/central IN
    Hayfever....had it since about age 4 maybe. So bad I got tested in the late 60's and I'm allergic to everything that grows in IN. For decades it was 2 shots a week in summer, plus meds. But that did little help. Then for many years a doc would give me one shot of kenalog that helped a bunch, but when he retired they stopped giving it to me and back to suffering, so much that would miss days at work. Lately I have used Claritin from phamacy that you have to show ID...it helps and am on it for 30-40 days and don't like how it makes my head feel. So I heard about people with hayfever drinking Stinging Nettle Tea. What a bunch of crap.......really.....? So this early summer I harvested stinging nettle, dried and jared it and on June 14th started drinking 1 glass a day, and in the middle of August went to two glass, in morning and glass in the evening so twice a day. I'm told the tops of these nettles have 5x the vitiman C of a orange among other things. Today I still don't have the hayfever kicking in kicking my butt! Its way over due and pollen count is over 10 for awhile now. When Pollen count hits 7-8 I know it. Yesterday I mowed the yard and came in with hayfever, drank my glass of tea and a hour later felt way better. I have never got this far into the season without meds and never felt this good. I should of been on meds and eyes swelling and unable to breath through my nose days ago....I will update as Sept goes by, but usually by mid Sept I start to feel better and by the end of Sept complety off meds. I have not takin any meds yet and feel great! This is unreal!!! I'm 61 and wish I knew about Nettles other than being a weed 55 years ago!!!! The testing continues, I'm still mowing the yard and being outside more than ever....nettles.....it was worth the try!
    I bought some organic stinging nettle tea on amazon, but it tastes bad. How do you make yours? i should try again. I don't like Claritin or any of that stuff. Thanks.


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    Mar 14, 2010
    N. Central IN
    I bought some organic stinging nettle tea on amazon, but it tastes bad. How do you make yours? i should try again. I don't like Claritin or any of that stuff. Thanks.
    Many you tube videos can help. I cut the top 14” and tie in a bundle by stems and hang on line in ventilated car port. 4-8 days drying. Then with plastic gloves I grab a bundle and crush them into a large container until we’ll ground up. Then put in glass jars with lids. I put a little over a cup of boiled water in glass with tablespoon of nettles and stir and let set for at least 30 minutes to a few hours. They say after 20 minutes it’s all your going to get out of it. I then put a strainer with a coffee filter over a container and filter it through. Rinse glass and pour in and refrigerate. When it’s ice cold is the best, very little odor or taste then. Some use sugar or lemon juice but I don’t. You can make a big batch but about 3 days is all you want it to sit in frig. Early summer when they are young and not too tall is when they are the best. I got late start as they were about 4’ but seem to work, just use the top part before they bud out. The hot tea does have a bad taste IMHO....ice cold is way to go.


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    Aug 18, 2011
    Southside Indy

    i was tested when i was a kid, and seemed to outgrow a lot of it, but my seasonal allergies started getting worse again around my 40s.
    When I was a kid (maybe 5 or 6) I got tested with 15 "shots" in each arm. Mom told me that if I made it through the whole thing without crying, I could get a new toy at Woolworth's. I made it through the first arm, but only about halfway through the second arm before I started crying. :): Mom still took me to Woolworth's and I picked out a toy gun. When I got home, my buddies and I played "army" and we pretended that I had been shot in the arms by a machine gun since I had the red spots up and down each one. :lmfao:
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