INGO Free Gun II: S&W Bodyguard (.380acp) to LEO

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  • Kirk Freeman

    Rating - 100%
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    Mar 9, 2008
    Lafayette, Indiana
    At the Friends of the NRA Dinner in West Lafayette I won yet another pistol at the Sponsor drawing, a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 acp with laser: BODYGUARD 380 - Smith & Wesson

    I have no earthly need/use for it as this is taking coals to Newcastle. I gave my mother first dibs on it but after a range session on Saturday (you might be a gun nut if you have a family gathering at the range) she decided it was not for her.

    Since I have given the others away, I figure this one goes to the poooleece. I remember being a LEO in my 20s and not having much discretionary income soooooo if:

    A) you are a younger Indiana LEO (FULL TIME OR RESERVE), let's say under 30, and

    B) need a backup gun, or a gun for your spouse,

    send me your name, department, and a contact number and I'll chuck your name in a hat and draw out a winner.

    Maybe we can arrange a transfer at next month's Indy 1500 or gun store somewhere or if central Iggle Crick range or meet near a courthouse somewhere.

    If you have eleventy billion guns, please let someone who needs it win and refrain from entry. If your department does not approve this pistol, NBD, keep it at home or sell it for something your department will approve.

    To win, PM or e-mail me your:

    1. Name;
    2. Indiana LEA Department/Office/Agency or Fed LEO stationed in Indiana (I know you read INGO too guys);
    3. Contact info (phone # or e-mail).

    Also let me know if you want your name announced as a winner (I know some cops get all jumpy about names, family concerns and agency rules).

    ****CONTEST CLOSES OCTOBER 15th, 2012.****
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    Kirk Freeman

    Rating - 100%
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    Mar 9, 2008
    Lafayette, Indiana
    Too bad I am over the age limit.

    Yes, but I wanted to focus on younger officers who have be stretched with new marriages, trading the Mustang for the mini-van, selling the motorcycle to pay for the furniture she wants, an unending demand for diapers and not have the off duty gig at the bank lined up.

    It may serve as a back up and able to do some good in a very bad situation.


    Rating - 0%
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    Jan 19, 2012
    Scott County
    +1000 to you good sir, Not a leo but either way I am extremely happy to see someone doing something like this these days, it somewhat brings back faith that there are good people it there.


    Rating - 100%
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    Nov 24, 2008
    I'm poor, and under the age limit, but I have an LCP so I'll stay out. Kirk this is very generous of you, I tried to rep you but it said I must wait. Catch you in a few days.
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