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  • Aszerigan
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    • GREAT INGO'ER, has great deals on his products, helped walk me through my eform 1 trust, scratch that he did my eform, did my laser engraving for my lower to be sbr'd all on a Sunday Morning while we chatted about shot show and drank some Coffee. Great People, Would Highly Recommend.
      Are you the one selling this Century Arms M70AB2T Sporter Underfolder, or is someone else now selling it? I'm interested.
      I was selling it but it as already sold. Thanks for the interest.
      Greetings. I would like to buy large pistol primers. Could I get 2000? I'm sharing with my shooting buddy.
      I live in Noblesville so a northside meet up would be convenient. I can pay Cash App or cash.

      Thanks, Jeff
      Hi Jeff,

      I don't have any LPPs left, only SPPs. Let me know if you need any of those.

      Thanks !
      Good Morning,
      I'm interested in meeting with you to purchase the ultrasonic cleaner. You and I have already met before in order to purchase the LPPs. Let me know your availability. I can text you as well if you'd prefer.
      Good Evening,
      I'm interested in purchasing all 3K of the LPPs.
      I live near Greenfield, IN and can meet you south of Greenwood.
      Let me know when/where.
      I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

      Matt Sams
      Profire kicks @ss. Awesome people, awesome selection, awesome prices.
      Highly recommend.
      Hey Andrew: Here is a link to the restaurant I was telling you about yesterday. Nothing fancy just good food and reasonable prices, actually it is more of a lunch place where a lot of the locals go. Link: Casamento's Restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana
      Thanks for the rep Andrew. I will be in next week to see if you have received any more of the Berry's 9mm ammo boxes.
      Trying to see if you have a gen 2 chainsaw lower left still yet? I don't have enough posts to pm/reply to sale thread. I'm currently overseas, and will be home the 9th, let me know if we can work something out. Thanks
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