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    • Thanks for the rep. I was raised with that kind of doctrine. I have a very hard time discussing religion with someone who so ardently adheres to it without getting hostile.
      I don't live far from Salem...just barely northwest of the Orange County line, just off Hwy 60.

      Out of curiosity...what kind of programming do you do? Anything industrial? Sometimes we need help with robot/PLC/HMI kind of stuff. Sometimes we do IT/plant floor stuff too.
      For the record, I am against gun control, especially banning certain types of guns under the guise that some are more dangerous than others. We don't need Sandy Hook conspiracy theories to disprove gun control or our Second Amendment freedoms.
      Yup. Now they are wanting to bring up 9/11 conspiracy theories as well. I work in the airline industry and have a lot of knowledge on the attacks. The 9/11 conspiracy theories are even more far out than the Sandy Hook ones. I seriously think it is a form of coping because they don't want to believe it really happened. In the case of Sandy Hook, I believe they don't want to think that an AR-15 was used because if they can disprove this, then any coming gun control legislation would be invalid.
      Heh, thanks. The way the question was asked, Yeager, especially because of his recent rant came to mind as a stark contrast to a typical teacher (and typical gun advocate for that matter).
      TY for the rep. I distinctly remember making my friends mom, brother and girlfriend laugh that night. Had all day to think about it as I finished my work day
      It was well deserved. I posted on my FB page as borrowed. Thank you. I can't write or speak that well.
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