All the hate... (Anti-Israel College Campus Activity)

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  • Tombs

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    Jan 13, 2011
    Just a note to those advocating for a stomping of protesters by careful of what you wish.

    It's the same crowd that cheered on the patriot act, NDAA, etc. They can't be bothered to think about long term consequences, just the short lived dopamine rush. They'll be the first ones to tell us to take the vax, live in a pod, and eat the bugs, because compliance is the only skill they possess.


    Master of useless information
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    Jan 4, 2010
    New Albany
    1.) Your specific denomination claims the Jews are God's chosen people, not all of them. I believe in the new testament.

    2.) Untold billions of our tax dollars are forcibly collected and sent to this tiny country on the other side of the planet, and if you oppose this you are labeled a heretic.

    3.) Almost all democrat politicians in congress hold dual citizenship to Israel, at least the ones that make the big calls.

    Tell me, without religious reasons, why you need to take my money and send it halfway across the world to fund a country to defend its own borders, when we are not permitted to defend our own borders? When inflation is hitting year over year records, and poverty is growing at an extreme rate. How is that making my country a better place, rather than looting it for the rich politicians to flee the sinking ship for the other country they hold citizenship in?

    I don't care about Hamas, I care about the tens of millions flooding across our border, the devastation of the middle class, and the complete economic destitution at the hands of people who have loyalty to another nation.
    I, too, want a secure border, but until someone with ba&ls gets elected, nothing will happen. I am a Christian who believes that those who bless Israel, will be blessed. I don’t know about he dual citizenship, but many so called Jewish democrats here seem to support left wing politics, over the state of Israel, and are more interested in lining their pockets…


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    Jan 13, 2011
    I, too, want a secure border, but until someone with ba&ls gets elected, nothing will happen. I am a Christian who believes that those who bless Israel, will be blessed. I don’t know about he dual citizenship, but many so called Jewish democrats here seem to support left wing politics, over the state of Israel, and are more interested in lining their pockets…

    That's not really a rebuttal to any of my points. I asked why I need forced to give Israel money to secure their border, while Israeli citizens in congress are demanding our border remains open.
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    Mar 9, 2022
    1.) Your specific denomination claims the Jews are God's chosen people, not all of them. I believe in the new testament.

    2.) Untold billions of our tax dollars are forcibly collected and sent to this tiny country on the other side of the planet, and if you oppose this you are labeled a heretic.

    3.) Almost all democrat politicians in congress hold dual citizenship to Israel, at least the ones that make the big calls.

    Tell me, without religious reasons, why you need to take my money and send it halfway across the world to fund a country to defend its own borders, when we are not permitted to defend our own borders? When inflation is hitting year over year records, and poverty is growing at an extreme rate. How is that making my country a better place, rather than looting it for the rich politicians to flee the sinking ship for the other country they hold citizenship in?

    I don't care about Hamas, I care about the tens of millions flooding across our border, the devastation of the middle class, and the complete economic destitution at the hands of people who have loyalty to another nation.
    I think a lot of people get caught up in a false duality. They see nutcases going absolutely bananas, protesting against Israel, saying that Palestine is being oppressed, Hamas is justified in their attacks, and a whole lot of other ludicrous claims. So to disassociate themselves from such buffoonery, they go way to the other extreme, supporting sending billions of dollars to Israel, and decrying anyone who would find the slightest fault with Israel as an antisemite.

    It seems so obvious to you and me, but so difficult to many, that there is a third option:

    Hamas is 100% evil, needs to be eradicated, and Israel is totally justified in invading Palestine. You go for it, Israel! :thumbsup: But we, the United States of America, do NOT have money to spare right now. We'll cheer you on, and sell you weapons for their fair market value, if you want, but right now, we have runaway inflation, a wide open border, and a dozen other massive problems we need to get in order.

    If we get our own house in order first, then maybe we can sit and listen to someone make the case that we should invest some money in Israel because we'll see returns in technological advancement, strengthening our relationship with a useful ally, and increase stability in the Middle East. But for now, we simply don't have the money. And no matter how justified Israel may be in defending themselves, it's not right for us to borrow away our children's future to fund another country's war.

    And you know what: It is perfectly possible for me to say all of the above, and still recognize the evil of the truly antisemitic buffoons on the left who are supporting Hamas and their goal to eradicate all Jews. Who knew?


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    Jul 19, 2022

    Didn't see anything there that is what I would call a clash (or consider news). Sensationalizing things like this give them traction when there really isn't anything there. Purdue had bigger riots to celebrate the end of the basketball season when I was a student.

    BE Mike

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    Jul 23, 2008
    New Albany
    Young, naive, minds at universities, away from home for the first time, have always been easy pickings for extremest groups. They range from socialists, commies, to gurus and now to terrorists. Schools have not only done nothing to bring order and actual education back to these "pillars of higher learning", they have either actively encouraged or passively encouraged this. Now we taxpayers are stuck with their student loans and dangerous behavior. As far as, Israel is concerned, "Tease the bull and you will get the horns!" Hamas has no concern for innocent life. We are politically and morally responsible to support Israel, but yes, our priorities are screwed up. Our borders first!

    Dr Long Jon

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    Aug 31, 2022
    Crown Point
    I can't believe all the hate for Israel, have these idiots at Columbia, and all the universities not heard of the Holocaust? Israel defended themselves, and Hamas is a terrorist organization....The Jews are God's people, I'll never not support Israel..
    Who told you the jews are God's people?You may want to take another look at what has happened, historically, versus what you have been led to believe. I would recommend this:


    Top Hand
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    May 26, 2018
    North Central
    So, why aren’t American Jews as a whole saying, “The hell with this, I’ll take the mean tweets and the lack of pogroms?” You would think that would be a simple calculation, prioritizing personal survival, but there’s another interest at play. A lot of Jewish Americans are very invested in being liberal. That’s who they are. That’s not just a political affiliation but an identity. Imagine you’ve spent 65 years of your life voting for Democrats, and suddenly this happens. Are you ready to make a 180° turn? That’s hard. That’s hard for anybody. It’s human nature. Voting Dem is a habit mixed up with personal identity. That is tough to change, even then the face of indisputable and undeniable evidence like these sociopaths chanting “From the river to the sea.” So, my guess is we’re going to see some Jewish voters swinging to the Republicans, but not most – at least not in 2024. It’s hard to turn on a dime. But we are going to see some movement. It’s a start. The GOP must welcome them. I just hope it’s enough soon enough, because these communists really hate Jews, and they really hate the rest of us, too.



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    Jan 12, 2023
    Who told you the jews are God's people?You may want to take another look at what has happened, historically, versus what you have been led to believe. I would recommend this:
    The concept of the Jews being God's chosen people has it's origins with Abraham in Genesis, and is mostly a theological discussion. The Jews throughout history have done stupid stuff and turned their backs on God, and got punished as a result, typically by other nations enslaving and displacing them. Despite this, they were still God's people.

    However some people think the distinction of "God's chosen people" changed after the New Testament, where some still believe the old covenant stands, while others believe it was revised by Jesus.

    I won't comment on my beliefs on who is God's chosen people, other than being in that group doesn't mean that you are perfectly pious and nothing bad will happen to you. If anything, it ensures bad stuff will happen when you do bad stuff.
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