AAR. Appleseed at 42769vette's

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  • 42769vette

    Industry Partner
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    Oct 6, 2008
    south of richmond in
    I attended my first Appleseed this weekend. To be 100% honest I thought I would enjoy the shooting, and be bored at the history parts. I was shocked when I found myself actually looking forward to the history section. Listening to the history was like reading a book that you could not wait for the next page. I think the most interesting part was for the most part it was not the version you learn in school, even though it was the same basic story. In this version they put a lot more detail into specific portions of the story that once after the story you would find out played a serious role in who we are and how the country came to be what it is. Its one of those story’s you feel very proud to be a American at the same time your realizing just how far our country has strayed from where it was at one point and time. Not only in shooting skills, in how we view our neighbor, and our decision making process (as a whole country, not an individual man/women). The shooting was great, but the history is what threw me for a loop.

    On to the shooting, I intended to learn a to shoot a sling, but I also picked up a lot of info I will be able on add to the tool box in bipod shooting. They preach NPOA (natural point of aim) To be honest I though this was hog wash and being who I am decided to test it during 1 AQT. I purposely did not adjust my NPOA during stage 4 for the first of my two shots. On that stage you have plenty of time and I took very carful aim that bullet landed about 2 inches below the V (bullseye) Then on shot 2 I adjusted my NPOA and Im not sure the bullet could have landed any more in the center of the V. With a bipod I have never payed much (as long as I was close) attention to the NPOA, Ive made my position work. Im looking forward to testing to see if it makes as much of a difference with a bipod, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I have no issues being wrong, but I’m just the kind of guy who has to prove myself wrong to admit it, and I accomplished that today.

    I thought I would have to shoot a semi auto to accomplish my goals. That was wrong aswell. I only got all my shots off 1 time (even with a semi auto) but I today really drove home that 8 5 point shots out score 10 3 point shots every day. I would have never broke my semi auto plan, if it were not for my semi auto having some function issues, that we eventually found out was my new extended charging handle. A NRA Highmaster once told me “there is no such thing as a good idea the day before a match”. That lesson was driven home this weekend aswell, but by the time we figured that out I had learned I was just as fast, and more accurate with a bolt action. I had been shooting my CZ 452 Military trainer with Irons most of the day Friday, and most of the day Saturday so I stuck with that. I was doing ok with it, but I could not take a fine aim on stage 4 (smallest targets) because I was aiming at the target not the “V”. I have no doubt a rifleman can be done with Irons, but I also have no doubt I have not spent enough time on irons to be the man to do it yet. For future seeds my goal is to at least once score rifleman with the CZ and the irons because its not the equipment that is incapable of task, its me.

    I did however have to steel my buddies (indygunworks) CZ 452 with a scope for 2 AQT’s. 1 I scored 211, and the other I scored 232 so I accomplished my goals for this seed, and set goals for my next. I have no doubt had Nick not showed up my goal for the next seed would have been to score rifleman for the first time so as much as it pains me to say it thanks bud.

    Long story long if you have ever wondered if a Appleseed is for you it’s a fairly easy question to answer. If you love your country, and want to learn a little piece of made it happen. As well as love shooting and want to learn to be more proficient than the answer is a undoubted yes.

    Great times, great friends, and great lessons. How can the answer be anything but yes.



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    Mar 26, 2012
    Excellent AAR! Not at all surprised to hear you had a great time. Everyone does! Congrats on making rifleman!


    Meekness ≠ Weakness
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    Feb 20, 2009
    Alan, you are pictured with a legend. Make sure you frame that picture and score sheet. Congrats on a great shoot and for giving Applessed attendees a chance to experience your beautiful property.


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    Oct 6, 2008
    south of richmond in
    Anybody else see the irony of the owner of an optics company had to borrow a gun with optics?

    Glad it went well for ya.

    "No such thing as a good idea the day before a shoot" I got all my parts in on Thursday, put it together on Friday, admitted stupidity on sunday.:D

    The good news is I didn't have to borrow a gun that was uncharted territory for me. Ive got a almost identical gun (wasn't with me on the line, or sighted in) and I have 1000-1500 rds threw nicks so that helped.


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    Mar 10, 2013
    I did the appleseed in April, and I'll definitley be going back. Great shooting with some great people. I learned a lot of history and Im very happy that I went.


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    Jun 2, 2009
    North of hell, south of heaven
    Nice write up Alan. I had a blast, learned a lot, i just couldn't seem to put it all together in the same AQT. But that gives me a reason to train a new skill set. The instructors were awesome. I can't say enough good about apple seed. I guarantee that you won't find better training for anywhere close to the price. I will be at the next one Alan hosts to get that patch, Untill then I can be found shooting AQT's in my yard....

    top hat 45

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    Jun 4, 2008
    northern shelby co.
    alan, great write up. i've been thinking about doing an appleseed, but from what i've heard and am afraid of, is i cant get into the sling positions anymore. from 1969-1971 i used a sling more than i like to remember. but cant get the old body that flexible anymore. and my body shakes like crazy for any kind of offhand.

    can a person compete with those kind of handicaps?

    grunt soldier

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    May 20, 2009
    hamilton county
    alan, great write up. i've been thinking about doing an appleseed, but from what i've heard and am afraid of, is i cant get into the sling positions anymore. from 1969-1971 i used a sling more than i like to remember. but cant get the old body that flexible anymore. and my body shakes like crazy for any kind of offhand.

    can a person compete with those kind of handicaps?

    you can sir. If you honestly just can't do it we have a adaptive appleseed program to help out folks with those type of disabilities.

    Great review Alan. glad you had a great shoot. and congrats on the patch.


    Industry Partner
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    Oct 6, 2008
    south of richmond in
    alan, great write up. i've been thinking about doing an appleseed, but from what i've heard and am afraid of, is i cant get into the sling positions anymore. from 1969-1971 i used a sling more than i like to remember. but cant get the old body that flexible anymore. and my body shakes like crazy for any kind of offhand.

    can a person compete with those kind of handicaps?

    you can sir. If you honestly just can't do it we have a adaptive appleseed program to help out folks with those type of disabilities.

    Great review Alan. glad you had a great shoot. and congrats on the patch.

    This man knows more than me, so my answer would be

    you can sir:D


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    Feb 26, 2011
    In an eastern valley
    Very nice write up! It was a great time indeed. I certainly learned more than I bargained for! I would (and will) encourage anyone to attend. I will be attending another for certain. Hopefully I can pick up both days next time!


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    Feb 22, 2009
    Carthage IN
    alan, great write up. i've been thinking about doing an appleseed, but from what i've heard and am afraid of, is i cant get into the sling positions anymore. from 1969-1971 i used a sling more than i like to remember. but cant get the old body that flexible anymore. and my body shakes like crazy for any kind of offhand.

    can a person compete with those kind of handicaps?

    I think you would be happy w/ the modified appleseed... Knowing you I highly doubt you would enjoy the sling lessons that they teach... HOWEVER I know how accepting and adaptive appleseed can be and I know for a fact that if you want to attend the next one at allens that between allen and I we can come up with a way to make it VERY enjoyable for you.


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    Apr 18, 2012
    Monroe County
    Question about Appleseed: I have read some info on these, and heard some people talking about them. Not sure if I'm ready or not, but my question is: Can one go and watch the event in order to get an idea of what's going on? This I'd like to do before signing up for one.

    Thanks for the info!
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