RCC Groundhog Steel Long Range March 24, 2024

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  • Litlratt

    Rating - 100%
    6   0   0
    May 17, 2009
    Terre Haute
    March 24, 2024

    22lr only

    Setup/Registration 12:00 PM

    Safety meeting 12:45 PM

    Start 1:00 PM

    This is an 80 round STEEL target match with unlimited sighter rounds.

    Shot at 110, 165, 200, and 240 yards. The targets are square, diamond, vertical rectangle and horizontal rectangle appropriately sized for each distance.

    At each distance, you will have a time limit of 15 minutes for an unlimited number of sighters and 20 shots for score. You must notify your scorekeeper that you are going for score and what target you are going to shoot as the order of targets is your decision. 5 shots per target, simple hit or miss scoring. Once you have fired your first shot for score, no {more} sighters are allowed.

    You are encouraged to bring spotting scopes, etc. for scorekeeping.

    Shooters may shoot from a bench or prone and use any front and rear rests including one-piece rests. One piece rest scores are used for payback system only, not official results.

    Payback is modified Lewis.

    The cost for this match is $15.00, second rifles are $10.00.

    Match is weather dependent. Check back here, our website calendar and/or our Facebook page prior to leaving home. Decision will be made by 7AM match day.

    Hope to see you there. Match is challenging but low key. Some of the best shots from the competitors aren't down range.
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