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    • My Taurus PT99 was an older one (purchased around 1994) but I had no problem using stock Beretta mags in it. I am sorry I sold the gun! I have a Beretta 92FS nowadays, but that Taurus was a good gun.
      Sometimes this site is very difficult for me to navigate. I just need to know if Beretta 92 magazines will work in a Taurus 99/92 without modification to either the mag or the firearm. Thank you.
      I just bought a Taurus PT99 (the adjust site version of the PT92). Bradis has the Beretta 92 magazines on sale right now. You stated in your post that Beretta mags will work in a Taurus, but Taurus mags will not work in a Beretta. Are there any modifications required to make Beretta mags work in a Taurus or can they be popped in right out of the box? I have seen several posts on other sites saying that the mags are not interchangeable and one said that the Beretta mags require some modification and another guy said that he had to modify the mag catch on his Taurus to allow the Beretta mags to work. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
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