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    • Thank you for the rrep, and really like your member page photo! You avatar photo (ship) is great, but woman/weapon/wings has it hands down!
      I have never understood why so many otherwise sensible people, seem to worship that guy.
      He wants $500 but I think he would settle for $450. It isn't pristine but it is kinda cool with the old box and the AAL import mark.
      Yes, I have been criticized on here for questioning tactics. I guess you either give unconditional support or you are a hater. :dunno:
      Thanks for the kind thought! I get really tired of the standard verbal food fight between the 'police are god' crew and the skeptics of varying degrees of reasonable or not reasonable thought fighting out whether comments should be limited to genuflecting at the altar of law enforcement or equally distressing forgetting the personal tragedy in the quest to criticize.
      Thanks for the rep BA. I was joking. But I'm glad that thread helped.
      Maybe you should send the company a letter saying they should explain better.
      Yes, I am very careful, of what I sell, or trade..... I become "attached" to what is "mine", and do not like to let go .... That is why most of mine, are "old", like me .....
      I'm thinking about it. I have 2 so the safe queen might go. Any idea what I should get for it? Not looking to tear any heads off. Just want to make a fair deal if I decide to sell.
      No, I don't remember seeing that. I will look back through it and the other threads and see if I can find it.
      Do you remember who said in the CZ school thread that they sold their Phantom and regretted it. I tried to blow through the 9 pages in that thread but gave up.
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