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  • miguel

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    Oct 24, 2008
    THE GROCERY/CLUB STORE, ya damn pervert! :):

    Not sure how different it is than Costco or Sams Club?

    If you're a believer in BJs, sell it to me.

    Super Bee

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    Nov 2, 2011
    Fort Wayne
    Been married for 20 years. . . . . . .



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    May 3, 2022
    So funny story. I was in a public speaking class years ago, taught by an attractive younger woman of Latin descent. The discussion of restaurants came up, and someone mentioned BJs, to which she replied rather loudly “I don’t like BJs!”

    I didn’t know a latin woman could turn that color of red before that day, but apparently it’s possible. :lmfao:


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    Mar 14, 2013
    BJ's was the only wholesale club near my family when I grew up, so my parents have been members for something like 30 years. We shopped there before I knew what Costco was and I think before Sam's Club existed.

    I joined when the Noblesville Store opened a couple of years ago but only kept my membership active for a year before I moved to Lafayette. We only have Sam's Club here so that's where we shop at now. I've never had a Costco membership.

    There are pros and cons of both BJs and Sam's.

    - Better fuel, both in price and quality.
    - Better selection of stuff overall. They have more choices and variety of stuff to choose from. This includes food options and general merchandise. (Location dependent)
    - Bigger quantities for the same price. I've found that BJ's and Sam's pricing is similar for bulk items, but you get more of it with the BJs packages (Example would be frozen ice cream treats. 36 count at BJs, 30 count at Sam's).
    - Better pre-made meals and bakery items. Bigger selection and better quality overall.
    -Produce selection is limited and generally more expensive than a regular grocery store.
    - Membership is almost twice the price as Sam's.

    - I like the Sam's Club app better. Both have scan and go but the Sam's app is easier to use and check out with. Using the app to buy fuel is also nice. I don't ever have to get out my debit card or even touch my wallet at Sam's.
    - Better meat and produce selection. We buy a ton of meat and fruit at Sam's. Frankly I think their fruit is phenomenal. I rarely get anything bad there and the prices are excellent.
    - I find Sam's fairly limited in total choices. You can get a lot of one item, but they don't have a lot of variety to pick from. For example, they have like one option for green olives. They have one type of ketchup. They only have 7-8 cereal options.
    - They generally have pretty decent clothing choices. I have a few quarter zip sweaters and a couple of pairs of pants I've been happy with that I found there.
    - Membership is pretty cheap.

    All in all, I don't buy a lot of home goods or non food items at either place. I just don't need bulk home goods other than TP and paper towels, so I don't shop the middle of either store that much.

    Frankly, I think both are good places. I tend to like BJs a little more just because I've shopped there more, but Sam's is serviceable. Neither have the selection and variety of stuff like Costco does though.
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