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  • Leadeye

    Jan 19, 2009
    I would love to get a black powder pistol but , who makes good shooting ones? What are some supplies to get first and what can wait? Any help would be much appreciated.

    What historical era are you interested in, the selection is very large?

    Slow Hand

    Aug 27, 2008
    West Side
    Well, you are going to have to have the obvious basics, powder, ball and ignition (caps unless it’s a flintlock). For revolvers FFFg generally works well, if you are looking at a large bore single shot, FFg can also work. Revolvers need over sized balls to seal the chamber mouths, usually .375” for .36 cal and .452-458” for .44’s. With single shots you’ll go undersized and patch the round ball. You will need a powder measure, generally the sliding brass type with the swing away funnels work well. Cappers are helpful but not necessary. They come in many types.

    Honestly your best bet might be to spend $20 on the Lyman Blackpowder Handbook to see if you really want to get into and and get some good information on loading technique.

    Lyman BP Loading Manual


    Site Supporter
    May 23, 2010
    Today I don't think there is any difference between the two major makers of C&B revolvers. They make both open top Colt type and Remington with a top strap. This is the two major styles. I would tell you to look at them if you can. You need to hold them as the Colt 1860 Army has a large grip and is .44 caliber. The Colt 1851/61 Navy is .36 caliber and have a smaller grip that is close to the 1873 Colt SAA. The Navy reproduction can also be found in .44. Get the gun and then buy what you need. Ruger made a C&B but it is out of production.

    Slow Hand

    Aug 27, 2008
    West Side
    Here’s a great article from Mike Cumpston. He knows of what he speaks. I w known Mike for a few decades now. He also had a great book about shooting BP in both revolvers and single shot handguns. It’s definitely worth a read if you’re into such things. But if you’re trying to get a handle on things, this article gives you the basics.

    Black Powder Article


    Master of useless information
    Jan 4, 2010
    New Albany
    I just sold both my BP guns, now I'm jonesing for the under hammer listed in the classifieds.
    Big question OP.... Are you looking for traditional BP, or the new fangled hi tech gee gaw 209 inline crapolas? (Did I just show my bias?) Find a good old CVA, or T/C Hawken .50 and get some books, go to Friendship in the spring, and fall.... ask questions, Those guys are always ready, and happy to help..Good luck, and say goodby to your money.....lol


    Apr 28, 2010
    I started out with a percussion cap pistol kit made by Traditions. They still make them and they are not too hard to put together. They make both flintlock and percussion cap.

    On the plus side you can have them shipped right to your door with no FFL needed. Its a cool way to ease onto muzzleloading, plus you get the satisfaction of building the gun yourself.

    I've been keeping an eye out looking for one of their blunderbuss kits to show up at the right price.

    Brian Ski

    Aug 13, 2014
    I would love to get a black powder pistol but , who makes good shooting ones? What are some supplies to get first and what can wait? Any help would be much appreciated.
    Seems to be a lot of them out there. What are you looking for? A revolver or an inline pistol? A complete pistol or a kit? I looked them over years ago, but never branched out into getting one.

    Black powder is its own world. I dabble a bit into it. Just a couple ideas, And I may be off some.

    There is black powder and there is black powder substitute. Black powder is harder to find, but to me works much better. (Than Pyrodex) Black powder absorbs moisture, so it can rust a barrel fast. You need to clean it well after shooting.

    Good shooting?? Accuracy or reliability? I haven't shot BP in decades. They are not near as accurate as a smokeless pistol.

    Here is a couple links if you want to look over some. Maybe some pointers from the more knowledgeable guys.
    Midway has some kits.
    And some ready to go pistols

    BP is a hobby. You do not need a lot to start. Powder, caps and balls/bullets.


    Jun 29, 2011
    MrSmitty has it right, Go to Friendship In for the NMLRA Fall shoot and you will find more info there and then your mind will melt. LOL Start off simple, percusion is a great place to start as it is easier and less experienced shooter friendly. Revolvers are good but takes a bit o' time and maybe best to wait a bit. Another thought, go on the NMLRA (National Muzzle Loader Rifle Association) and find a shooting club near you too. AND!!!!! There are NO stupid questions about coming to the dark side (insert Darth Vader) of shooting. I have been shooting BP since the '80's and love it more than any other shooting. Muzzle-loaders.com is a good place to look too.

    Also The Muzzleloaders Forum is filled with great info and some good used firearms too.s. IMHO, get a single shot first instead of a revolver as it takes a bit to work it. Though once you are there, a 1861 Navy .36 is the BOMB to shoot. BTW, 6-7 September just south of Ligonier is the Stones Trace rondevous. Go and ask questions. I will be there with the White River Guard. Would be honored if we can chat!! Ask for Sarge. Keep yer powder dry Pilgrim (Watch Jeremiah Johnson with Robert Redford)
    Last edited:

    Brian Ski

    Aug 13, 2014
    Would be honored if we can chat!! Ask for Sarge. Keep yer powder dry Pilgrim
    Hey Sarge, How is the black powder situation going? Goex closed. Was told someone (I don't recall) bought out Goex and they were filling military orders and us civilians had to wait. Any new news?

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