Vaccines and stuff: Pt 2

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  • Magyars

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    Mar 6, 2010
    Delaware County Freehold

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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    Wait, i thought they said there was no shadow government? How can this be a test if there is no one behind the scenes controlling things? :scratch:


    Freedom lover
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    Jul 3, 2010
    Eastern IL

    If I was to perform a global experiment on humans, at the scale we've seen for 4 years and continuing, you'd want at least some vials to be really special in order to track the outcomes. For future experiments of course ;)

    I have a couple threads I'd started that I'd love to repost here but there's not much interest in finding out what's really in the vials. Don't think anyone really knows to this day. I was always curious and skeptical. Could really apply that to many medicines which all have adverse effects.

    There's no shortages of new drugs and vaccines for sure. I recall Dr. Ryan Cole looking into this early on, plus others. I will say since it's in my sig line that IMO the best way to investigate is to go back to the source.


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    Sep 2, 2024
    I will say since it's in my sig line that IMO the best way to investigate is to go back to the source.

    This is by itself the single most important statement that could've been made but wasn't all throughout COVID. Everyone was like "believe this, believe that" or "don't believe this, don't believe that" but NO ONE ever mentioned the need to go to the source... hell, no one even knew WHERE the source was


    Freedom lover
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    Jul 3, 2010
    Eastern IL
    This is by itself the single most important statement that could've been made but wasn't all throughout COVID. Everyone was like "believe this, believe that" or "don't believe this, don't believe that" but NO ONE ever mentioned the need to go to the source... hell, no one even knew WHERE the source was
    The source or event is most likely never what one reads or hears about. It's not really often of a present nature, often exposed by history as you mentioned in a previous post about how the US is becoming a dying empire within, much like what happened to Rome.

    My opinions...Vaccines and medicine are highly profitable and there's absolutely medical industrialization, particularly in standard care/testing. Technology and advancements in acute care can and will save a person's life. I've seen both sides of medicine and the dark side is devastating. It is shown in my postings about things "medical related" the last few years.

    Some things I've learned here, on my own and my items of deep research after getting surprised by world coordinated shutdown 4.5 years ago:

    Hegelian dialect, Tytlers cycle, medical industrialization, germ vs terrain theory and possible origin or foundational use of the term virus.



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    Mar 8, 2011
    It was a travesty that student athletes were not required to wear their masks during game play while the pandemic was in full force. Think of all those children put at risk just so state athletic associations could sell tickets and make money.
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