I've been on the fence about something for a while now and I've decided to get back into the 45-70 game with a Henry. I debated wildly between the all weather picatinny vs the case hardened model finally deciding to go with the case hardened model. It's not my first 45-70 as I've owned a Marlin Guide, Marlin 1895, and a H&R Buffalo Classic. My intent with the rifle will be to take it wild hunting in Nov, but also as a range plinker where I can play with it at distance for nothing more than the joy of watching a big glob of lead whack steel. Having said that, I can't leave anything alone so I was debating between a tang mounted sight like a lyman, or a ladder front sight like the skinner. Between the two, I've only ever used a ladder sight that I put on a '92 in 44mag that I regret selling years ago.
Anyone here with experience and a preference between a rear tang sight vs a ladder sight on a lever action? The sight upgrade will be for plinking at the range, the hunting will be at 70 yards on in so it doesn't really apply for that distance.
Anyone here with experience and a preference between a rear tang sight vs a ladder sight on a lever action? The sight upgrade will be for plinking at the range, the hunting will be at 70 yards on in so it doesn't really apply for that distance.