The Insane "Social Justice" Thread pt V...The Insanity is Insane.

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  • Leadeye

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    Jan 19, 2009
    If the military pulled out of Hawaii and tourists stopped going there, in a few years it would look like Haiti.

    China would buy what parts that Japan hasn't, and then just take the rest once they got enough army over there. Sort of what they will do to the US west coast in time.


    code ho
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    Jul 17, 2011
    Well, we know where she is on the bell curve
    One other thing about the bell curve. It shows that on average, most people are average. :):


    That peak is in the same spot for both male and female. On average we're equal.

    But, in terms of distribution, there is a higher percent of the population of men that are smarter than average compared to women. On the flip side, a higher percent of the population of men are dumbasses that say things like "hold muh beer!" And, "I do." :):


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    Nov 20, 2011
    One other thing about the bell curve. It shows that on average, most people are average. :):

    View attachment 355692

    That peak is in the same spot for both male and female. On average we're equal.

    But, in terms of distribution, there is a higher percent of the population of men that are smarter than average compared to women. On the flip side, a higher percent of the population of men are dumbasses that say things like "hold muh beer!" And, "I do." :):

    Thanks for explaining a bell curve to me.

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