SGE was scheduled for the middle of the week?I wanna come play too but work messing things up
SGE was scheduled for the middle of the week?I wanna come play too but work messing things up
SGE was scheduled for the middle of the week?
Did you get to shoot the midnight massada?A big ditto to what everyone has expressed.
R & B are the BEST.
All that we had to do is put DM as the adult-in-charge, and eveything ran smooth.
Did you get to shoot the midnight massada?
We missed you and bandit, spicy wienerman.Have fun today everyone!
Actually Sunday. And I don't feel like I gave anything up. I gained a couple new friends with our resident adult, ditcherman, and Reesespieces. MM bought the lunch contributions I purchased with his donation. 88 brought my wife a new rosebush and me a bottle of something entertaining. Everyone contributed and thankfully some of them took some food home. Was fairly overwhelming to look at all the leftovers.. Wet kinda morning start for about an hour or so but everyone was banging away gamely in spite of the drizzle. Thanks to gmcttr(Tarzan) for the extra steel he brought and set up. Think everyone enjoyed themselves. I highly recommend a tick check b4 and after a shower. Glad for the comradery and the safe conduct. Can't wait to do it again.Spur of the moment GTG….my range has been full of events so Patience gave up a Saturday. Well…it’s Wednesday for us but Saturday for him.
We have a wonderful photographer on the team.My thoughts on the SGE can be summed up by saying ...
... and I don't want to see a lot of pictures of BOXES!