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  • AngryRooster

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    Apr 27, 2008
    Outside the coup
    Where in the world have you been? I had been wondering what happened to you.

    Outside the coup.

    Outside the coup is pretty accurate. Divorce went through this year. Moved from our nice farm north of Richmond down to Greensburg. Started working at Honda. Been grabbing as much overtime as possible since July. Pretty much work, come home to feed the cat & myself, go to bed, rinse & repeat. Most of the time it's 7 days a week with only 2 or 3 days off a month. It's so wonderful to start completely over in a 1 bedroom apartment when you're about to turn 50.

    I really need that Centaurian time thing from MIB, a standard 37 hour day. I might be able to get things done and have a short while left over for myself...but then think of the potential for the overtime. I think I'd owe more in taxes than I would actually make though.


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    Aug 21, 2012
    Outside the coup is pretty accurate. Divorce went through this year. Moved from our nice farm north of Richmond down to Greensburg. Started working at Honda. Been grabbing as much overtime as possible since July. Pretty much work, come home to feed the cat & myself, go to bed, rinse & repeat. Most of the time it's 7 days a week with only 2 or 3 days off a month. It's so wonderful to start completely over in a 1 bedroom apartment when you're about to turn 50.

    I really need that Centaurian time thing from MIB, a standard 37 hour day. I might be able to get things done and have a short while left over for myself...but then think of the potential for the overtime. I think I'd owe more in taxes than I would actually make though.

    We'll good to see you. And BTW, just watched MIB last night so I get the reference!


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    Aug 25, 2018
    Here is one from 2010. So much of it has been snipped by the members but if you read through it, you'll get the idea. Check the quoted replies for some of the better stuff.

    I don't want to imbed the YouTube video.
    The pickup is at 2:45. Then the handoff to her niece's boyfriend, who then gives the niece a victory kiss, and she gives him a high five.
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    Trainer Supporter
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    Aug 25, 2018
    I saw 2 women in Kohls yesterday at the return desk and thought one looks like a particular lady who steals stuff and sells them for half price. She returned one thing, without a receipt, and both disappeared into the store, each with a bag in hand. Of course the more expensive stores don't frisk you on the way out.
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