Possible carjacking setup? or oops, I am in the wrong lane?

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  • dieselrealtor

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    Nov 5, 2010
    Morgan County
    Last night my wife was near Lynhurst & Minnesota bringing our son back from a trailer drop lot 9pm'ish.

    She was stopped in a lane at a light, no one else within sight. An suv came into the lane next to her, then pulled in front of her diagonally & stopped.

    She pulled around them & went safely through the red light, no one else was there or coming.

    Our son & friend were a little freaked out.

    May have just been an oops moment for the other party, nevertheless I am glad she was staying aware of her surroundings.


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    Aug 10, 2009
    I don't know what an oops moment is, but that right there sounds like a too close for comfort situation.

    She didn't freeze up and sounds like she did what a smart mom should do.

    What kind of vehicle does your wife drive? Is it a popular one to steal, I'm thinking?


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    Nov 5, 2010
    Morgan County
    I don't know what an oops moment is, but that right there sounds like a too close for comfort situation.

    She didn't freeze up and sounds like she did what a smart mom should do.

    What kind of vehicle does your wife drive? Is it a popular one to steal, I'm thinking?

    (oops moment of the possible thought process of the other driver)

    I wouldn't think it would really be a theft target as it is an 04 Camry but I am not up to speed on such things.


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    May 12, 2013
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    Sometimes it's just an idiot being an idiot, but no sense risking that that is all it is. Avoid, evade, defend.

    Though it might have been nice to see a thug with a gun get out and get creamed by her accelerating over him and out of the situation. I love it when there is a happy ending to stories like that. But glad it didnt happen because that would be hell on her and the kid.

    Good on her for not giving them time to decide it was time to get out and go to work.


    quick draw mcgraw
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    Aug 17, 2022
    glacial boundary
    most likely someone intoxicated.

    criminals are frequently renting vehicles for crimes, but live carjacking seems to be more targeted at modern Mopar & such performance vehicles


    ARC Solutions
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    Nov 3, 2012
    Henry County
    Sounds like an excellent opportunity for your family to reflect on the difference between "prepared" and "paranoid".
    Get your lesson plan together and don't forget to take your own tests.
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