PART 3: I'm new an your 50-post rule sucks! Please change it for my convenience, and what is all this crap about pineapple on pizza.

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  • BeDome

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    Mar 20, 2013
    There is a hut over my way just down the street, but I haven't been in it for many years. Usually if we have pizza, it's from our favorite non-franchise local pizza joint, homemade or an occasional frozen pizza.
    We have a "Greeks Pizza" near and we go there at times.
    It offers standard pies, but also some Mediterranean themes which are really good, too.
    You can also get Turkish pizza with lamb and stuff, but kosher, too. Fabulous!


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    Aug 18, 2011
    Southside Indy
    I've never understood the disdain for ketchup on hotdogs. I mean, with steaks, I get that people frown on using steak sauce instead of just eating a well-seasoned steak. But to say ketchup is bad, but that it's perfectly acceptable to put all that other stuff on there (pretty much rendering the hotdog moot), just doesn't make sense to me. And don't get me started on "Chicago Dogs", with all the garbage they put on them.

    I mean, it's like saying steak sauce is bad on a steak, but loading up a steak with say, baked beans, chili, cheese and onions is okay. :nuts:


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    Sep 12, 2011
    Porter County
    I've never understood the disdain for ketchup on hotdogs. I mean, with steaks, I get that people frown on using steak sauce instead of just eating a well-seasoned steak. But to say ketchup is bad, but that it's perfectly acceptable to put all that other stuff on there (pretty much rendering the hotdog moot), just doesn't make sense to me. And don't get me started on "Chicago Dogs", with all the garbage they put on them.

    I mean, it's like saying steak sauce is bad on a steak, but loading up a steak with say, baked beans, chili, cheese and onions is okay. :nuts:
    It's nasty. As a kid I hated hot dogs. As an adult, I stopped putting ketchup on them and realized they were actually good sometimes.


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    Aug 13, 2024
    Let's see who jumps in.
    Hey so I’m new here what does the process for the classifieds look like, I’m from Missouri, but I’m moving to Indy soon, so I don’t know if the process looks different. I plan on paying the 20 bucks but when I have access to the classifieds, will all the purchases by FFL transfers?


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    Nov 1, 2010
    Hey so I’m new here what does the process for the classifieds look like, I’m from Missouri, but I’m moving to Indy soon, so I don’t know if the process looks different. I plan on paying the 20 bucks but when I have access to the classifieds, will all the purchases by FFL transfers?
    welcome, please read the rules of the site. Also make yourself an intro post.

    THIS IS NOT ARMSLIST. This is a community of silly gun people that has a classifieds. All transactions are between you and the seller


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    Feb 27, 2010
    Hey so I’m new here what does the process for the classifieds look like, I’m from Missouri, but I’m moving to Indy soon, so I don’t know if the process looks different. I plan on paying the 20 bucks but when I have access to the classifieds, will all the purchases by FFL transfers?
    You will see folks on rare occasions wanting a FFL transfer, but not often. Some people will want to see an IN driver’s license, some want a IN license to carry a handgun. As long as you have established residency in IN and are a proper person as defined in the statute, most people will transact with you.

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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    You will see folks on rare occasions wanting a FFL transfer, but not often. Some people will want to see an IN driver’s license, some want a IN license to carry a handgun. As long as you have established residency in IN and are a proper person as defined in the statute, most people will transact with you.
    This right here.

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