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  • Brad69

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    Jul 16, 2016
    Perry county
    Yeah, that was waste of time see the AR tier chart for real feedback. You tube is ok for entertainment not for real life. I don't care how PSA makes money. All manufactures put out some crap now and then.


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    Jan 30, 2024
    Yeah, that was waste of time see the AR tier chart for real feedback. You tube is ok for entertainment not for real life. I don't care how PSA makes money. All manufactures put out some crap now and then.
    I tend to agree. I've gone through a number of Psa products and have only had a couple issues, and they got resolved (or replaced) without issue. I've heard horror stories but haven't experienced them myself.


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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County
    Yeah, that was waste of time see the AR tier chart for real feedback. You tube is ok for entertainment not for real life. I don't care how PSA makes money. All manufactures put out some crap now and then.
    My big takeaway was that he sounded hurt that they took away his freebies.

    This was my feeling as I watched it.
    He brought up a few points that at the second seemed good but I've forgotten them already :)


    Time to make the chimichangas
    Rating - 100%
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    Jul 3, 2010
    It was an interesting insight. Definitely aware to some extent that affiliate marketing was there and that's how these guys get paid, but it was interesting to hear how the amounts ratchet up and the pressure to produce sales or be booted from the program (which in turn threatens these content creators livelihood and incentivizes them to be shills).

    I had known it was there, (and that folks getting free product to review would be biased to some extent as they got paid for clicks and on how many used their link/referral code) just not the extent of how it worked.

    Would seem that this type of thing should have to be disclosed as a paid review or advertisement at this point.

    Way back I used to like the old Gun Tests publication where they bought all the products they reviewed and would publish some pretty brutal reviews because they were entirely subscriber funded. Wonder if the folks with Patreon subscription programs are similar these days or are they just double dipping from subscribers and affiliate marketing? (I've not really checked out Patreon enough to say).
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    Rating - 100%
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    Nov 28, 2009
    I still subscribe to Gun Tests. Great source of information on Guns, without me having to buy them to find out.
    Also, reading the INGO forums.
    I gave up on YouTube years ago.


    Rating - 100%
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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County
    It was an interesting insight. Definitely aware to some extent that affiliate marketing was there and that's how these guys get paid, but it was interesting to hear how the amounts ratchet up and the pressure to produce sales or be booted from the program (which in turn threatens these content creators livelihood and incentivizes them to be shills).

    I had known it was there, (and that folks getting free product to review would be biased to some extent as they got paid for clicks and on how many used their link/referral code) just not the extent of how it worked.

    Would seem that this type of thing should have to be disclosed as a paid review or advertisement at this point.

    Way back I used to like the old Gun Tests publication where they bought all the products they reviewed and would publish some pretty brutal reviews because they were entirely subscriber funded. Wonder if the folks with Patreon subscription programs are similar these days or are they just double dipping from subscribers and affiliate marketing? (I've not really checked out Patreon enough to say).
    Is gun tests still going? I used to get them.

    Well we know that some guntubers push things pretty hard and now we know why.
    I think some make so much from their 10- 20 minute videos they no longer have a job other than record a 10-20 minute video once a week.

    Definitely want to take them reviews with a grain of salt. I ask a few for 1000rd reviews they won't do them.


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    Jan 12, 2023
    Based on my observations, I feel that there was a sort of "gold rush" when the cat got out of the bag that you could make a living doing Youtube videos. Well fast forward a few years, and now it seems these "influencers" are now a dime a dozen. A lot of them are trying to make it big and be the next Brandon Herrera, or FPS Russia, but seemed to have forgotten the "if it was easy, everyone would be doing it" quote. I personally never really saw the appeal for most of the quote "guntuber" (man I hate that term) content out there. Maybe if I was a kid that didn't have the luxury of having pro-2A parents I would be more interested, however if I wanted to be around gunfire, I would go to the range myself, not watch a video about it.

    There are a few guntubers out there that I do watch, but it's more for their content off the range rather than on the range. Then you have the saints who do disassembly and gunsmithing videos (like removing a magazine disconnect safety from a gun whose mag safety eventually destroys the magazine), however those are typically done by more obscure people.

    Kirk Freeman

    Rating - 100%
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    Mar 9, 2008
    Lafayette, Indiana
    Which part do you not do anymore? The lip curling or buying based on YT?
    Lol. The lip curling.

    I mean I know Shorts Lawyer but I would only buy 5.11 on his shilling. Guy can dress. Shorts Lawyer for the Straight Guy.

    I bought my one and only PSA product directly from a guntoober, Chris Bartocci, and he knows a thing or two about the AR platform outside of YT.
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