OSUT 260: Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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    Mar 20, 2013
    Guess I'd better water again today. They say we're getting rain tomorrow but they've fooled me before.
    We have that little tree the city planted to try and keep living long enough to grow its way out of the burlap ball.
    Keeping that little diaper looking bag full is a challenge.

    Everything else needs water, too. Can't wait for rain.

    Late biking this morning, I stayed in the neighborhood. I counted 27 of those new trees the city plopped down. I did not even go down every street.

    Twenty years from now, it will probably look pretty nice.


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    Mar 20, 2013
    Same here. Everything is pretty crunchy.
    Oddly, I'm not the only one who hasn't been using his sprinler system this summer.

    A few are running various wild looking hose rigs, but the guy who runs his sprinkler system every day has the same look to his lawn as everyone else.
    Mostly green with some grub patches here and there. But he mows a LOT more.


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    Feb 25, 2013
    Grant county
    The coffee table I ordered off Amazon arrived last night. Susan wants to have Stanley Steemer come out before I put it together and set it up though.
    Just back from the dentist and all is good!
    We bought a coffee table and end table thru amazon.. had to put it together and it was a 2 beer job…:). All wood and looks great. Hopefully yours does too DD!
    Headed out to run power off the meter base disconnect.. chase nipple wasn’t long enough so had to use a 2” close nipple Enjoy this day!


    Grouchy Gar
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    Jan 4, 2011
    North Central
    Oddly, I'm not the only one who hasn't been using his sprinler system this summer.

    A few are running various wild looking hose rigs, but the guy who runs his sprinkler system every day has the same look to his lawn as everyone else.
    Mostly green with some grub patches here and there. But he mows a LOT more.
    watering every day leads to shallow root growth and sickly grass, my grass's roots go all the way to China


    Stay Picky my Friends
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    Aug 7, 2008
    Ft Wayne
    Shake your fist at them and yell, or spray them with your hose.
    I'll just give them the look



    .22 magician
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    Nov 3, 2008
    Not far from the tree
    Screwdriver has been my go-to lately. I really like a Salty Dog, but unfortunately grapefruit juice interferes with one of my meds (I forget which one), so that's not an option. When I was in my 20's and working at a small restaurant with a mesquite and charcoal grill (HOT!) in Lafayette, I'd get the waitresses to bring me salty dogs from the bar while I was cooking. :): I was an assistant manager, so my job involved baking and other prep in the mornings, then working the grill through dinner, then finishing up in the dishroom (sending the dishwasher home after I closed the kitchen to save labor), then taking over the bar after the kitchen was closed.
    I used to do the baking for a little restaurant in Nashville. Start at 0530, work until 1400. Go home(10 minute walk). Then come back and wait tables 1500 to closing. Around 2130 by the time cleanup was done.

    God, we were nuts.
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