osut#243 - Marching into Spring...or Sliding into it....

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    Nov 10, 2013
    NW of Sunshine
    Just running through. I was shopping on Midway.

    Hubby has decided he wants to start reloading. I ordered bullets the other day and now today, they have free shipping....oh well. I was hoping to get some of my dad's reloading stuff for him to use as I doubted my brother really wants to haul it all to Portland, OR. He says he wants it and dad has it on the list for him so I have no plans to fight over it. I figured if he didn't want it, we could buy it from my parents and give them some extra money to use for their care, etc. Funny how I shop on Midway, and Capital One sends me an email offering to increase my credit limit...how much do they expect me to order?? :runaway: :runaway:

    Time to go to work....HAGD!!
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