Official Trump Attempted Assassination at his Rally Thread

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  • bwframe

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    Feb 11, 2008
    Btown Rural
    'bout time...


    Let's now quickly get the dem presidential nominee to discuss this. What is her commentary on Cheatle? Who will she back for filling the open position???


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    Nov 11, 2008
    With Biden not moving forward as the nominee, the writing was on the wall with Cheatle. She was inept during the House hearings this week, but if Biden would have continued on, perhaps that would have provided her with enough cover. Now that he's out, she's out. No one wants to go to bat for her except Biden since he appointed her.
    and the FBI and Homeland security refuse to answer. That leaves who to answer questions?
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    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    It shows how weak President Biden is. She should have been FIRED the next day. Not kept in office for over a week until she was finally pressured to resigned.

    It's a disgrace she wasn't fired right away and it's a disgrace she took so long to resign.
    I think I remember reading some time back that she was favored by "Dr" Jill when she was appointed for the SS role. That may have played a part in any reluctance by Joe to crap can her. Who knows. :dunno:
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    Dec 18, 2018
    In the country, hopefully.
    If someone hasn't figured out yet that this was an inside job, no amount of evidence will convince them.
    I would tend to disagree with that, although I’m not following all that closely. Just on here.

    You posted that right after the links to 9 devices or one device (?) linked to him and “an FBI building”, or a building near FBI headquarters - so which is it? And if it’s just a “near” building, is it a 7-11? Or is it ‘the’ FBI building? Makes a difference, and I’m cynical enough from all angles to wonder why they just say “a building near”.

    There’s always room for doubt.


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    Oct 4, 2010
    It shows how weak President Biden is. She should have been FIRED the next day. Not kept in office for over a week until she was finally pressured to resigned.

    It's a disgrace she wasn't fired right away and it's a disgrace she took so long to resign.
    She had to stay on for awhile to be the lightning rod and the sacrificial lamb. If she bailed too early someone higher up would become the focus. Now that Biden has been couped* and the MSM knows to focus on Kamala, the assassination attempt and SS failures will start dropping out of the MSM news cycles. It will disappear completely when a new US Secret Service Director appointed. “Problem solved!”

    * I love the Englidh language.


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    Dec 24, 2012
    I would tend to disagree with that, although I’m not following all that closely. Just on here.

    You posted that right after the links to 9 devices or one device (?) linked to him and “an FBI building”, or a building near FBI headquarters - so which is it? And if it’s just a “near” building, is it a 7-11? Or is it ‘the’ FBI building? Makes a difference, and I’m cynical enough from all angles to wonder why they just say “a building near”.

    There’s always room for doubt.
    There's much more out there to suggest that this was an inside job, I just happened to post after the cell location data came out.

    This isn't just blatant incompetence or disregard for one's job, IMO. Too many signs point to it being much more than that...

    Unfortunately for them it's not 1963, cameras are everywhere and they can't control the narrative via the MSM.

    Let's see what else they come up with as distractions over the next few weeks...


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    Jan 9, 2013
    Sullivan County

    This makes sense to me, I read somewhere else that there was a local team on the roof, but they apparently left because it was too hot. IF that is true, I can see where the sniper team was hesitant. If there is a conspiracy or inside job that went on, I would tend to believe that the sniper team would not be involved, seems that kind of thing usually involve management types. Who knows though? Lots of weird things about this.


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    Sep 12, 2011
    Porter County
    I would tend to disagree with that, although I’m not following all that closely. Just on here.

    You posted that right after the links to 9 devices or one device (?) linked to him and “an FBI building”, or a building near FBI headquarters - so which is it? And if it’s just a “near” building, is it a 7-11? Or is it ‘the’ FBI building? Makes a difference, and I’m cynical enough from all angles to wonder why they just say “a building near”.

    There’s always room for doubt.
    Agreed. So far we have a lot of conjecture and inuendo. We don't have access to the actual evidence of what happened. We may never get to see it.
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