Agreed, but the public doesn't need to provide a space for one to exist.The right to exist is determined by God, not local landowners.
Why would one person get to use those public spaces in that capacity while others aren't able to?These people are not “taking resources from others”, they are being allowed to utilize an idle public resource…by the legitimate public authority …to keep vulnerable people from having to sleep in places where they are neither welcome nor safe. This is an expression of compassion, not communism.
Choices have consequences. I'll wager your older than I am (I'm not 40 yet). I didn't buy my first house until I was 19, have had two houses since then and no longer have a mortgage.My grandfather drove a forklift at a warehouse for 45 years. That job bought him a house at age 22, allowed him to keep a stay-at-home wife who raised three kids, send those kids to college, and retire with a pension.
That type of opportunity was gone by the time I was old enough to work
I have a college degree, I started working in my field immediately after graduation. My wife works a full-time job, I wasn’t able to buy a house until I was 40, and I’ll never retire.
The thought that you need a college degree to get ahead and have to wait years to buy a home isn't accurate.
Again - choices. Plenty of $60,000+ jobs out there that do not require a degree.Kids getting into my line of work now are carrying $100k in college debt for the same starting wage I made 25 years ago.
Elections have consequences.So what's the answer? This country (blame whomever you want) has pushed hundreds of thousands into homelessness over the past four years and the answer is to continue to punish them? Continue to push them anywhere but here? At what point do you think that's going to begin to cause bigger problems?
There's a bigger picture/problem to be addressed, kicking the first to go down isn't going to help or fix anything.
Agreed. So give someone free space... how do they eat? Bathe? Exist?One cannot simply just exist, a human being is not a rock. They need space to exist in, they need food to sustain, they need a place to use the bathroom. There are very few habitable places in this country where there are unowned spaces that one can exist in. Therefore the whole concept of a right to just exist without work or space doesn’t exist simply because humans must have resources to exist. Those encampments are not existing, they are taking resources from others…
Who is saying this? This country was founded on life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No one is advocating for someone to take that away.Space which must be obtained from someone else? Without space, they have no right to exist is what you're saying. Maybe we should start mandatory abortions for any child without a guaranteed piece of real estate waiting on them when they arrive. That'd solve the problem.
Nope, wrong again. Start your own business. Onlyfans. Sugar daddy (or momma). No one is forcing anyone to get a conventional job these days.So one must labor for someone else to exist in this country. You like to poke me for not answering questions so how about addressing mine?
That's the system. I have yet to see a valid alternative be brought forward and there likely won't be.What are you going to do with the people who don't want to work for this system? You operate under a set of assumptions because that is the framework you've been raised in and apparently cannot see out of. Since leaving people alone who aren't on your property isn't an option, what are you going to do with the people who won't do things your way? Debtor's prison? If they're committing no crime and not on private property what harm are they doing to people who have every comfort imaginable?
Who on INGO is advocating that? I donate more than my fair share but one only needs to look at the failed policies of California, Seattle, and other jurisdictions to see what your advocating for won't work (and has failed elsewhere).I'm not saying anyone has any responsibility whatsoever to help anyone else, that's an individual decision. I take issue with people holding their nose in the air, passing judgement on people less fortunate and demanding they be moved out of their sight. You can justify it anyway you want to but it doesn't make it less pathetic.