Just can't like pocket carry....

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  • Ziggidy

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    May 7, 2018
    Hendricks County
    I am I the only one that thong carries ?

    Just throw my Raven .25 on top of my junk and I am ready for the innermost parts of the city.

    Do you wanna approach a dude you just threatened.
    When he just stands there calmly unzipping his pants ?
    Is that where the term "pee shooter" came from?


    Time to make the chimichangas
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    Jul 3, 2010
    Too many stories of people pocket carrying and guns falling out of pockets because they are not secured in a holster. I for one will not pocket carry!
    Lots of stories of people carrying in waistband with no holster as well.

    Not trying to pursuade you, but an argument based on the way the lowest common denominator may do it isn't really valid.


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    Dec 24, 2020
    North Central
    Too many stories of people pocket carrying and guns falling out of pockets because they are not secured in a holster. I for one will not pocket carry!
    Sounds like they're doing it wrong. My pocket gun lives in an otherwise empty pocket, in a holster designed to retain the gun, protect the trigger from outside contact, and equipped with a hook to keep it in the pocket on the draw. Like any carry method there are some downsides, but dropping my gun has never been one of them.

    It may well be that pocket carry is not the best choice for you...I certainly wouldn't want to limit myself to it exclusively, but find it useful in some situations. Just don't write the technique off completely based off of someone else's incompetence.


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    Oct 29, 2008
    Ha, a lot of nice posts, I usually do a Glock-27 or 43 in my right front pocket, when out and about depending on where I am going.
    Today the wife wanted to go to the local Fishers Agri park which will close for the season tomorrow.
    I was already in a pair of camo long pants (Army) and a t- shirt.
    So I grabbed a sweatshirt and since I had locked up the 27/43, and I am so lazy to take a minute to unlock the lock box, pick one and go, I stuck my Glock full size G-17, in my pocket and we took off to pick some peppers, like Peter Piper.
    After my wife picked a full shopping bag of peppers, I get her signal, go out in the park and swap out my empty bag for her full one. I pick a few just to look good, and go back to the Honda, where I of course open INGO.
    But as soon as I got in the car I reached down to ensure my Glock was still there.
    It is, and not something I do every day, it is what it is today, so I thought I would share.
    Pocket carry is what you make of it.
    A G-43 in a pocket holster, a G-27 in a BORII2A, or a G-17 raw.
    Life’s full of choices Eh?
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