It's the economy, stupid

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    Jul 7, 2021
    central indiana
    Has it caught up with them? No Democrat voter will ever read that headline.
    ....or understand it.... or give a ****.

    I just don't get it. Republicans suck, tremendously. The modern Democrat is clinically insane. Boys can be girls, everybody should be equal redardless of their input, everything is racist - everything, reparations paid to those who weren't damaged by those who didn't do the damage, abortion....even after birth. Nucking futs!


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    May 26, 2018
    North Central
    ....or understand it.... or give a ****.

    I just don't get it. Republicans suck, tremendously. The modern Democrat is clinically insane. Boys can be girls, everybody should be equal redardless of their input, everything is racist - everything, reparations paid to those who weren't damaged by those who didn't do the damage, abortion....even after birth. Nucking futs!
    Rush warned us of this day when more than 50% were receiving benefits…
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    Jul 7, 2021
    central indiana
    Rush warned us of this day when more than 50% were receiving benefits…
    I so wish Rush were still around. I'd love to hear his take on the DNC's current version of democracy. I recall him complaining about how tough it is to campaign against Santa Claus (because the dem's offered everything for "free", it was like trying to win an election running against Santa). To your point, >50% of the population rec'v some type of government hand-out and the government is the country's largest employer; probably not a winning formula, long term.
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    Feb 18, 2017
    Powell has rolled over and promised to cut rates with consumer prices, stocks, and homes at all time record highs. Buckle up for money printer.


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    Sep 9, 2011
    Has it caught up with them? No Democrat voter will ever read that headline.
    That’s because the vast majority of Democrap voters are too stupid to read as a result of Democrap led education systems like Chicago for example!
    Yet they continue to vote Democrap!


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    Sep 2, 2024
    ....or understand it.... or give a ****.

    I just don't get it. Republicans suck, tremendously. The modern Democrat is clinically insane. Boys can be girls, everybody should be equal redardless of their input, everything is racist - everything, reparations paid to those who weren't damaged by those who didn't do the damage, abortion....even after birth. Nucking futs!
    The thing is, the fall of cultural sanity in the USA is comparable to the fall of empires before. Rome, Egypt, the Mongolian Empire, all the Chinese dynasties... they all fell into decadence, lost their sense of adherence to tradition, and eventually destroyed themselves from within. The greatest threat to a great nation is its own people, and today the United States is on the path to being the next fallen empire


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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County

    I've recently found these. This is a good read.


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    Dec 18, 2018
    In the country, hopefully.
    Fire them and automate their jobs. Computers don't strike.

    If Amazon can have robots run 80% of warehouse ops we can have robots run 80% of port ops.
    I wonder if they’ve already seen automation take place?
    I wonder what their side of the story is, to demand such a raise. If they even have ‘reasoning’?
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