Is INGO creating a registry?

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  • Ingomike

    Top Hand
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    May 26, 2018
    North Central
    And therein lies the rub. NOT... wait for it... POSSIBLE. Period. Full Stop. End of Sentence. If you disagree, please tell all of us how you propose to make an INTERNET transaction, over PUBLIC media, in any way private.
    First, it is not an INTERNET transaction. NOT... wait for it... POSSIBLE. Period. Full Stop. End of Sentence.

    Much like a dating app, they can see two consenting adults agreed to exchange numbers, if one wishes to do it that way, but they don’t know if there was a date or if there was sex. But if one party from the date goes on the app to brag about the sex then everyone knows because it was made PUBLIC…


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    Dec 29, 2017
    1,000 yards out
    interesting. after being here for a bit and browsing some areas (*cough* political) I wonder if ownership registry is the worst list being generated from this site’s data.

    but seriously, that is a good point. Which reminds me I forgot to tell y’all about a recent boating incident..
    Let me be clear.

    fbi, scum of the scum.
    atf, scum of the scum

    Take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the States, build a career on raping and shredding it.

    The central state needs to be dissolved.
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    Jan 18, 2009
    SE Indy
    Not sure what you are talking about but we are talking about how feedback works now and how it will work in the future…
    Threads sometimes devolve. I was talking about INGO becoming a gun registry (the title of the original post)
    And how it doesn’t really matter anyway.
    Everything you say and do is monitored in this age of electronic surveillance.
    Point being I don’t care how feedback works now or in the future
    You seem to be a little testy…Everything OK?


    I shoot Canon, too!
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    Dec 30, 2022
    Osceola, Indiana 46561
    First, it is not an INTERNET transaction. NOT... wait for it... POSSIBLE. Period. Full Stop. End of Sentence.

    Much like a dating app, they can see two consenting adults agreed to exchange numbers, if one wishes to do it that way, but they don’t know if there was a date or if there was sex. But if one party from the date goes on the app to brag about the sex then everyone knows because it was made PUBLIC…
    You post a gun for sale, ON THE INTERNET. I respond to you via PM, ON THE INTERNET. We trade phone numbers OVER INTERNET TEXT MESSAGE. We speak to each other over INTERNET connected cell phones. Both of us take our INTERNET connected, GPS tracking cell phones to the transaction. Perhaps the buyer uses an INTERNET connected ATM card to withdraw money from an INTERNET connected ATM machine placed by an INTERNET connected bank. Nope, not an internet transaction, no way. Completely private. Nobody else knows anything. Bill Cosby said it best, "RIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTT!"

    Last edited:
    Rating - 100%
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    Jan 18, 2009
    SE Indy
    You post a gun for sale, ON THE INTERNET. I respond to you via PM, ON THE INTERNET. We trade phone numbers OVER INTERNET TEXT MESSAGE. We speak to each other over INTERNET connected cell phones. Both of us take our INTERNET connected, GPS tracking cell phones to the transaction. Perhaps the buyer uses an INTERNET connected ATM card to withdraw money from an INTERNET connected ATM machine placed by an INTERNET connected bank. Nope, not an internet transaction, no way. Completely private. Nobody else knows anything. Bill Cosby said it best, "RIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTT!"
    Thank you


    I shoot Canon, too!
    Trainer Supporter
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    Dec 30, 2022
    Osceola, Indiana 46561
    Let me be clear.

    fbi, scum of the scum.
    atf, scum of the scum

    Take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the States, build a career on raping and shredding it.

    The central state needs to be dissolved.
    Dissolved is right. Vaporized. Eliminated. I thought I saw the beginnings of a 2nd American Revolution on 1/6/2021. I honestly stared at the TV, mouth agape, knowing I was witnessing History in the making. Then some moron in his underwear with Viking hat on showed up. Proof that it is not time yet. Go back inside. We'll let you know.


    Banned More Than You
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    Dec 29, 2017
    1,000 yards out
    Dissolved is right. Vaporized. Eliminated. I thought I saw the beginnings of a 2nd American Revolution on 1/6/2021. I honestly stared at the TV, mouth agape, knowing I was witnessing History in the making. Then some moron in his underwear with Viking hat on showed up. Proof that it is not time yet. Go back inside. We'll let you know.

    I doubt many want a revolution.

    I know I do not.

    Secession is long past due.


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    Dec 24, 2012
    You post a gun for sale, ON THE INTERNET. I respond to you via PM, ON THE INTERNET. We trade phone numbers OVER INTERNET TEXT MESSAGE. We speak to each other over INTERNET connected cell phones. Both of us take our INTERNET connected, GPS tracking cell phones to the transaction. Perhaps the buyer uses an INTERNET connected ATM card to withdraw money from an INTERNET connected ATM machine placed by an INTERNET connected bank. Nope, not an internet transaction, no way. Completely private. Nobody else knows anything. Bill Cosby said it best, "RIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTT!"

    But let's go a step and further document it by linking the deal thread in the feedback....


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    Dec 24, 2012
    Are people including their serial numbers in the ads?
    Many folks are...
    If you honestly believe that you have the ability to keep anything totally private these days, you are either quite ignorant of current electronic communications, or delusional. Got a cell phone? Got cards in your wallet with chips in them? Got ONSTAR? Does your browser save your passwords? Does your phone save your contacts?

    User posts a for sale ad on INGO. You reply to that ad on INGO. You contact each other by cell phone to make arrangements for the transaction. Both of you take cell phones to the actual transfer. Everything about that sale: buyer ID, seller ID, amount paid, goods transferred, place transferred, date and time transferred, and likely more, is now a subpoena-able bit of (more or less public) information. The only thing private about that transaction is whether or not you changed your underwear before the meet up. Wake up, 1984 was 40 years ago.
    Who said totally private?!

    Look at some folks feedback profiles, you practically have a listing right there of what's in their safe...

    Privacy is dead and many folks right here are adding to it by publicly documenting it! Worse than a 4473 IMO...
    If everyone else was jumping off the cliff why shouldn’t we? Bad behavior by others is no reason for us to do it. We should make INGO transactions as private as possible…
    Exactly this...
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