I need help.. I keep buying Beretta pistols..

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  • gamshar

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    Dec 5, 2023
    Looking to get further into the Beretta fan base with the PX4 model, but not sure if I should be looking for used Gen1 models or hold out for the G-SD. Wanting mid to full size. The rotating barrel design sounds like it would be a fun upgrade though.


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    Apr 14, 2012
    Looking to get further into the Beretta fan base with the PX4 model, but not sure if I should be looking for used Gen1 models or hold out for the G-SD. Wanting mid to full size. The rotating barrel design sounds like it would be a fun upgrade though.
    The Internal Mechanism between all the PX4s are the same. (with one exception).

    What they have changed are some of the features, and such. The newest one uses a 40 S&W sized barrel, with a 9mm bore I think.

    When Beretta does an update, they tend to make the changes a little more obvious then Glock Generations with real model number changes.

    The PX4 predecessor is the Cougar series. I guess you could call the Gen1 the metal frame Cougar 8000 series., and the Gen2 the PX4. Both use the rotating barrel system.

    The exception is the old PX4 Subcompact. Which does NOT use the rotating barrel system, instead uses a Browning style tilting barrel locked breach setup.

    I would suggest getting the one that feels more comfortable to you.


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    Dec 24, 2020
    North Central
    Looking to get further into the Beretta fan base with the PX4 model, but not sure if I should be looking for used Gen1 models or hold out for the G-SD. Wanting mid to full size. The rotating barrel design sounds like it would be a fun upgrade though.
    I had a PX4 for a while, and really liked it. I still may get into a compact if the right deal comes along, as the full-size was too big for a carry gun but I enjoyed shooting it so much I was taking away time and ammo from more practical stuff that I should have been focusing on instead (weird reason to get rid of a gun, I know).

    From my perception, the rotating barrel really didn't make a measurable difference compared to a Browning tilt-barrel system. I've shot both the PX4 and the Cougar, and didn't find the recoil impulse to be noticeably different from other handguns of similar form factor chambered in the same caliber. What really makes the gun nice, though, is it has that typical Beretta quality feel, with very positive controls, butter-smooth action, and clean trigger pull. They're also very reliable. It's one of the few polymer-framed DA/SA options out there, so it has that going for it as well. It's a darn good gun on it's own merits, even without the (IMO) gimmicky barrel system.

    The only downsides are that the slide is a bit bulky, the grip texture is useless (even Beretta basically admitted this with the Gen 2, but instead of fixing it they just included grip tape from the factory :ugh: ), and they aren't viable as a supressor host due to the rotating barrel (only an issue if you're into that sort of thing).


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    Apr 3, 2008
    Evansville, IN
    I used to own a Mini Cougar in .40S&W and currently have one in .45 acp. Very short grip & metal frame. the rotating barrel system seems to noticeably reduce the felt recoil and especially muzzle flip.

    I took the Mini .45 and an M&PC in .45 to the range and the Beretta was more comfortable to shoot.


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    Dec 5, 2023
    I had a PX4 for a while, and really liked it. I still may get into a compact if the right deal comes along, as the full-size was too big for a carry gun but I enjoyed shooting it so much I was taking away time and ammo from more practical stuff that I should have been focusing on instead (weird reason to get rid of a gun, I know).

    From my perception, the rotating barrel really didn't make a measurable difference compared to a Browning tilt-barrel system. I've shot both the PX4 and the Cougar, and didn't find the recoil impulse to be noticeably different from other handguns of similar form factor chambered in the same caliber. What really makes the gun nice, though, is it has that typical Beretta quality feel, with very positive controls, butter-smooth action, and clean trigger pull. They're also very reliable. It's one of the few polymer-framed DA/SA options out there, so it has that going for it as well. It's a darn good gun on it's own merits, even without the (IMO) gimmicky barrel system.

    The only downsides are that the slide is a bit bulky, the grip texture is useless (even Beretta basically admitted this with the Gen 2, but instead of fixing it they just included grip tape from the factory :ugh: ), and they aren't viable as a supressor host due to the rotating barrel (only an issue if you're into that sort of thing).
    Is the slide anymore noticeable bulk than a 92 series? I have had that before and could tell it was not a fit for me one way or the other. Grip was a bit too much too. For comparison, only other Beretta I own is a surplus bought 91 cheetah, and that is a great grip feel.


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    Dec 24, 2020
    North Central
    Is the slide anymore noticeable bulk than a 92 series? I have had that before and could tell it was not a fit for me one way or the other. Grip was a bit too much too. For comparison, only other Beretta I own is a surplus bought 91 cheetah, and that is a great grip feel.
    The PX4 slide is significantly bulkier than a 92 slide. The 92 slide is actually pretty minimalist with the open top design, but the PX4 slide is pretty chunky in the top end because it has to accommodate the rotating barrel.

    The grip of the PX4, while not tiny by any means, is slimmer than the 92, and comes with 3 interchangeable backstraps to fit it to your hand. I have big hands, so the 92 grip fits me well, and I went with the largest backstrap on my PX4, but the "small" backstrap makes the grip a good bit smaller than a 92. Like the 92, the PX4 has a large slide release lever, which is really easy to reach and actuate while maintaining a proper grip on the gun. Both are bigger than a Cheetah, which is a pretty tiny gun for a metal-framed DA/SA pistol.

    The trigger on the PX4 has more pre-travel than the 92, and even with the LTT trigger bar installed, the reset wasn't as good as a similarly equipped 92 (although it was much improved over factory). I didn't love that the trigger shoe was plastic, either, but I have to admit that it never caused a problem.


    Get off my lawn!
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    Apr 12, 2020
    Too close for comfort


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    Apr 14, 2012
    Some cool stuff on Cabelas today.

    Bernardelli Model 60 in 9 Corto (Post GCA version)

    92S for $349

    Beretta 948 $549.99

    Beretta 8045F Mini Cougar $699.99​


    Beretta ~ S 56 E ~ 12 Gauge $899.99​



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    May 3, 2022
    I’ll jump in here on the PX4 front.

    So a few things regarding the G-SD. The guns are the same in terms of size and function, but the G-SD is heavier due to the heavier barrel. If you want a range or competition gun, I’d wait for one of those. If you want to carry it, the standard model will weigh a little less.

    Beretta didn’t alter the grip frame with texturing at all because the frames remain the same between the standard and G-SD models. Because they have open contracts throughout the world, the overall platform needs to remain unchanged to follow the contracts, and they didn’t want to invest in new molds/dies for a separate frame yet, hence the grip tape. There are several places doing custom stippling though.

    I wouldn’t say the slide is “chunkier” than a 92. It’s about the same thickness overall, but because it’s not an open-top design (it’s can’t be as the rotating barrel requires cam raceways) it does weigh a little more. The polymer frame offsets that, though. But dimensionally I think they’re about the same thickness, though I’d need calipers to be sure. It’s about the same thickness as a Glock, IMO.

    If they intrigue you, try one. Or find someone who has one. If you’re ever up near Lafayette/Frankfort, I’m happy to let you try mine if you provide the ammo. :) They’ll never replace my 92s which are more refined overall, but they compliment them quite nicely IMO.


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    May 3, 2022
    A few right here on INGO worth looking at. Wish the Cougar was a straight 8000F!



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    Oct 30, 2016
    This little jewel came into my possession today. Beretta 84BB in 380 auto. Cleaned it all up and added a dot of glow paint on the front sight. After a little range time it may work it's way into my everyday carry rotation because it is 12+1 whereas my present EDC is 8+1 and I just like a metal pistol. This makes Beretta #3. #1 is a Model 1935 in 380 that was a pristine WWII bring back by my father and #2 is a 92S which was a Italian police surplus that has been refinished and a red dot added for Monday and Friday Night Steel but is only used as backup now because 22LR is soooooo much cheaper to shoot than 9mm.
    Beretta 84BB 2.jpg
    Beretta 84BB 1.jpg


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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County

    I just seen this. I love the two tone look for some reason. It runs around 1k so it's a little more expensive than your typical 92FS.

    I'm interested in getting a 92 series since I sold my years ago. I just haven't pulled the trigger. It seems like Beretta is bringing out something better every year now.
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