Hurricane helena

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  • Keith_Indy

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    Mar 10, 2009
    FEMA is a management agency, grants and training, not a first responder or rescue agency.

    This is a severe, wide spread event with highways and bridges into the area collapsed or obstructed. Air support is limited and they're still trying to find survivors. The S.H.T.F. there X100.

    Choose 25 counties in Indiana have them largely wiped off the earth. I think the response would be chaotic until it wasn't.

    Governors are "in charge" of their states National Guard and other resources during such a wide spread event. They need to be requesting federal resources (like all those military bases in and close to these areas)

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    Guns & Pool Shooter
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    Aug 13, 2013
    Indy Northside `O=o-
    FEMA is a management agency, grants and training, not a first responder or rescue agency.
    So, what does DEI have to do with ANY of those missions?

    Seems to me their first priority should be to, you know... manage disasters competently and quickly.

    Grants and training are not emergencies and should be on the back burner during times of duress.


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    Nov 22, 2011
    Huh, didn't know this...

    Helene shuts down Spruce Pine, NC mine that is pivotal to world’s semiconductor supply

    'Pivotal' is actually kind of an understatement.

    “It is rare, unheard of almost, for a single site to control the global supply of a crucial material,” wrote Ed Conway in his 2023 book “Material World.” “Yet if you want to get high-purity quartz — the kind you need to make those crucibles without which you can’t make silicon wafers — it has to come from Spruce Pine.”
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