Gofundme for CM (Churchmouse)

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  • Snapdragon

    know-it-all tart
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    Nov 5, 2013
    NW Indiana
    I want to take a moment and send out our most sincere thanks for all of the support we have gotten from our Ingo family. There are no words in my vocabulary to describe how we feel.
    The prayers and monetary support from this thread have been most humbling.

    This condition is terminal. No other way to describe it. The chemo has stopped as we have made the decision to finish this up with me being in the best spirits possible. The chemo made this impossible. So as the end results are the same we choose to spend this time together with the family and our blessed friends in as positive a manner as I can.
    The funds from this thread are being put to good use but most of it is tucked away to help CKW when I leave this mortal plain.
    It’s been a long and wonderful run. I will be 72 on 2 March and that’s a fair amount of time on this rock. We have been blessed in so many ways. Ingo has been one of these blessings.
    Thank you all.

    Much love and respect, Tim. I'm so sorry we didn't get to see each other again before you got bad.


    QC Dept aka Picky F'er
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    Apr 13, 2012
    Boiler Country
    I would like to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, uplifting comments, and your generous Gofundme donations, they are all extremely appreciated.
    Tim has had to make some very difficult decisions lately and would ask that you would continue to pray for him and his family.
    The Gofundme account has been reluctantly closed but I did so because it was asked of me. I can not express in words the extreme gratitude I have for all of your donations but I will say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    If you know Tim and Cindy please continue to reach out to them as it is very uplifting for Tim espescially to talk with you all.
    I will ask again for your continued prayers and support, I know they are appreciated more than you know.
    I will not close this thread, I will leave that decision for Tim when he feels like doing so.

    I love you brother, still praying and sending as much positive energy your way I can muster. Hope to see you very soon my friend.

    Fire Lord

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    Dec 7, 2012
    Around Franklin
    I want to say thank you for all you have done for us here. I have never met you, but I feel your love and kindness through the net. You've helped me several times personally, and even unknowingly while helping others. I appreciate all the time you have given us. God bless you, your wife, and your children and grandchildren. I have enjoyed your updates on your precious 'terrorists', and watching them grow up. Thank you for sharing and caring. Love you, brother.

    Why is it so dusty in here?


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    Dec 18, 2018
    In the country, hopefully.
    Brother I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting you, but appreciate what you’ve done around here, but also who you are.
    You know, and let CKW know for sure that she and all your family (especially those beautiful terrorists) have a support system in this place, that can translate right into real life. So many good people in here, and so much if that is from your efforts.
    I pray for peace for you, and yours.


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    Nov 10, 2013
    NW of Sunshine
    If it weren't for you, I may not have hung around INGO once I had my initial questions answered that brought me here. You made me feel welcome and a part of the family. I know we all have an expiration date, but I wish yours wasn't so soon. You and your family have been in my prayers and will continue to be. Love you, Tim!


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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    I am sorry to hear, my friend. Its a helluva decision, but it sounds like you have made peace with it.

    Thank you for all you have done for me and my family. Your professional wisdom, guidance, and assistance over the years is greatly appreciated. And I cherish the FTF conversations over the years.

    I will be praying for you and your family. You are one in a million and the world will be lesser without you.



    Certified Bro Shark
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    Jan 18, 2015
    Enjoy your quality time. Your mark on the 2A community is stamped. I've always enjoyed our ear bending conversations on the much appreciated donation mule trips for the annual Family Shooting Event in NWI. You are always quick to donate, streamline, and organize our meet ups. Going forward, while I don't get downstate as often as I would like, CKW is always free to reach out for some assistance. I'm great for showing up in longterm planned events to say get something from the top shelf or some pesky task this southern farm boy isn't afraid to tackle.

    Super Bee

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    Nov 2, 2011
    Fort Wayne
    Like many others here, I have never had the pleasure to meet you. I always wanted to sit down, talk Chevy vs. Mopar and have a really good bacon cheeseburger and a Coors Light. You have been the glue that has kept this place together and I thank you for that. I never get enough of your stories from the Speedway. I will continue to pray for you, your wife and the girls.

    Godspeed my friend.


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    Mar 14, 2013
    First, prayers to you and your family. You are a good man. I consider myself lucky to have learned from the experience and wisdom you've shared with us here, and am grateful for the time spent with you in person, albeit just a handful of times.

    We don't know each other well, but when we did deals in the past you treated me like an old friend and even invited me into your home. I enjoyed those conversations.

    I know this is "just the internet", but there are a handful of men on this forum that I truly admire and try to emulate as a man, father, friend, citizen, dad, teacher, etc. You sir are at the top of that list.

    I'm proud to own one of your former 1911s (a .22 lr model counts, right? ;)). I'm glad I'll be able to use it to train my kids as they get older and share the story of the true gentleman I got it from.

    Damn, it's getting dusty in here.

    Godspeed Tim. Do what you gotta do, but please hang around as long as you're able. There's still plenty of hammer swinging that needs to be done and we're not ready for you to ride your unicorn into the sunset just yet.
    Last edited:


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    Jan 12, 2012
    Speedway, IN
    Tim, I had the pleasure of meeting you twice at the Indy Gun and Knife show, one of those times with my spouse Becky. You've always been very kind both in person and online. You have brought so much awesomeness to INGO, and it won't be forgotten. It sound like you are going to live your best life under your own terms, and I respect the hell out of that. Take good care of yourself and keep kicking ass.



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    Nov 2, 2010
    North of you
    Tim, this update really hit me square in the kisser. I’m not sure I really have words to express how I’m feeling right now. INGO is unique in that we are not just unknown posters sitting behind a keyboard. We know each other, and are a family of sorts. I met you once at a meet and eat over Labor Day weekend a few years back. But through interactions on the board, I consider you a friend.

    We all have that appointment with our creator and there’s not a thing any of us can do to avoid it. It doesn’t make it any easier though. The mark that you have left on each one of us will not be quickly forgotten. Spend your time with those who you love. Make peace with those who you feel the need to make peace with. And rest easy knowing that you and your family have a huge support network right here at INGO.


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    Dec 26, 2021
    In a blue bubble
    I too fall in the category of not ever met you in person. That saddens me, since you seem to have left an impression on those that were lucky enough to have met you. Our interactions on here, have always been pleasant and that I will miss.
    It takes incredible courage to make the decision you've made; to meet that fate head on.
    I wish you and your family, the very best.
    I'm sorry that there isn't anything I can do or say, to make it better, or go away.
    But, I'm sure you know, Churchmouse will forever remain in our hearts.


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    Feb 26, 2010
    Continuing to pray for you and your family as you move through these extremely tough times.
    As so many others, we've never met face to face. But, you have been a welcoming friend here in our little community in this big web.
    Thanks for all the stories, shared Ford v Chevy jabs, wisdom and shared life experiences. I wish we could have gotten to know each other earlier. Maybe we could have gone to the track and whooped 'em together.
    God has a plan for us all and I won't pretend to understand it. As best you can, enjoy the time you have left with your family and give them the best memories of you that you can
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