You certainly have a convoluted though of most Union Workers.Loaded language not expressing the reality. Paint yourself into the corner where everyone hates everyone and nobody is right enough. Won't solve the problem. Won't improve the country. Is counterproductive at best. Unions were useful and possibly necessary when the railroads safety practices were killing 4 or 5 people a day.. Now they're just an exercise of power and greed and the leadership is at least as corrupt as Hunter Biden.
We're all crabs in a bucket when the unions take over. Nobody allowed to do anything outside the rules of the union. Nobody allowed to go out on their own and really make things better. Oh no! That would affect the communist rank and file who won't work that hard and excel. Who just want a protected job with a guaranteed wage that they don't have to really perform to achieve. Show up, do the minimum, maybe have somebody else clock you in and out when you don't feel like showing up. Funk that.
Not many non union companies have pensions for the hourly workers any longer. Ever ask yourself why that is?