Dustin Marshall AKA Bigtanker: My heart is heavy...

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  • CHCRandy

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    Feb 16, 2013
    Hendricks County
    My Lord......I have been away for a bit and just seen this. Loved reading his posts. God bless him and his family......we just never know what tomorrow holds for us. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future.......and today is a present! Sending my condolences to him and his family. He was an admirable, hard working father and husband. He will be missed by many.


    Forgotten Man
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    Jan 20, 2009
    I think about this more often than is probably healthy.. I also never met him but talked on here this popping up is tough. I hope little tanker is holding up I know they did a lot of shooting together.
    Same here. I remember BT posting YT videos of his and little tankers endeavors. It's truly a sad loss.


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    Oct 16, 2013
    Elkhart County
    I heard about this closer to when it happened but I never posted. I only met BigTanker once at an INGO shoot but I remember he was really nice and just seemed like he was full of life and had a big smile. I think I have a video of him shooting a full auto gun at the INGO shoot, I'll have to try to find it.
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    Dec 11, 2011
    South Bend
    BT was a Awesome guy. He came over once with his AR15 kit and to I gave him free run of the shop and tools to assemble it. He did a great job. I only gave him pointers on the trigger assembly. He did a excellent job on it. I have been shooting with him 3-4 times, we was a lot of fun to shoot with. And great shot!

    He was one of the first people I told I had cancer. He stopped by right way to see if there was anything he could do. He gave me a INGO challenge coin. I treasure it, I carry it in my wallet with one other very special coin.

    He was a family man, a christian man.

    RIP Big Tanker, you are missed.
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