Dustin Marshall AKA Bigtanker: My heart is heavy...

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  • BluePig

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    May 10, 2012
    Ok, I finally got home and got a bit more composed, but I want share some of my observations.
    I was in line with one of the uncles, and some of the family, which gave me prime seat to the goings on. Seemed like most of the town of Osceola was there.
    I didn't know that they had just purchased a new home. That has got to be some real stress for a young family like that.
    I also remembered that the accident was in MI, which means no fault accidents. After being in a wreck in MI myself where the person that caused the accident just walked away with no liability whatsoever, I can tell you that socks rocks big time.
    I was very brief with his wife, but I got two distinct messages.
    1) BT really had a heart for this site. She saw my hat and made sure that she appreciated everyone that was involved here.
    2) She is very afraid right now. She said to me that she didn't have any idea what she was going to do. Rightly so.
    I made sure that I dropped a few more bills to her and she was very grateful.
    I also insured her that she has good friends in INGO and to let someone know here.
    So INGO, here is the BluePig challenge...
    If you haven't donated anything yet, you are on the line.
    Get to it.
    This man gave of himself to this site.
    Give something.
    For the price of a box of ammo or even your morning coffee, give something to help out.
    I leave it there.
    We are adults, at least we try to be.
    Well be responsible.
    Put aside your differences and help out.
    There, I put it out.
    Send your hateraide to BluePig if you want, but if I was silent, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.


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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    Sorry the line got in the way of us breaking bread with @BluePig and @9mmfan and @BiscuitsandGravy . Maybe next time gents. I am grateful we were not able to, for the benefit of the family. My heart swelled to see so many waiting in line. I'll make it a point to make it up there to a meet and eat/shoot so we can next time. And I'll drive next time @KellyinAvon.

    Kelly and I had a chance to speak to LittleTanker briefly. He seems to be holding up well, all things considered. While we didnt get a chance to talk to his older sister, while waiting I observed her laughing and smiling with family and friends. So both are handling it well. At least for now.

    If you havent been already, please pray for them especially (or offer whatever good vibes, etc you DO believe in). The reality is going to catch up with them eventually. (tomorrow, in my personal experience) They need everything we can offer, both financially and spiritually.

    And pony up the cash as you are able. You know he deserves it. It sounds like this is an even better deal than the standard donation scenario thanks to the generosity of the funeral home. (they eat the fees) I hope that we can make such an impact that not only are his funeral expenses covered, but the funeral home ends up writing them a check to help them out as they move on.

    And hopefully the fact that he was killed on the job, that any company resources also help them out and the employer is generous and doesnt leave them hanging.


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    Dec 18, 2018
    In the country, hopefully.
    Spoke with his dad a little and he indicated how impressed the family has been with all the support from INGO.
    Appreciate your connection to him and the family.
    I’m sure there are many on here who would like to do more, if we knew what to do. Long term, and short term
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