DirecTV to Acquire Dish and Sling TV…

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  • d.kaufman

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    Mar 9, 2013


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    Jun 2, 2011
    I have had TV at work since 2001! It's considered essential for news and weather

    But it also works for sports and old clint Eastwood moves.....

    dont tell anyone.
    Dang, and people say .gov workers have it good! I can't even INGO or watch youtube videos at work!


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    Jul 7, 2023
    Lagrange Indiana
    Do they come with "packages" of programming, or is everything a la carte? I really don't have all that many channels that I watch on a regular basis, but DoggyMama does. One of the things that irritates me about Xfinity is that because of a couple of channels (like History for example), I have to get a higher tier package in order to get it. I don't have any "premium" channels like HBO or anything like that, but I have to pay more for what I consider basic channels just because the next lower tier doesn't include it. So is it conceivable that once I get all the subscriptions to include the channels I want, the cost would be approaching what I pay for cable?
    On Roku there is an app called Pluto tv. I hardly watch it as I have Fubo, But there's lots of channels on it.


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    Mar 9, 2019
    Roku doesn't have TBS, so that would require another app? Does it have live local tv? Not seeing it on that link.

    We stream now. Ditched dish tv. For local stations, we bought an indoor antenna. It’s flat, and about 8”x12”, so it is sitting behind the tv
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