9mm Nato vs 9mm +p out of PCC

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  • 22LRFan

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    Feb 9, 2022
    East Central Indiana
    I bought a bunch of 9mm Nato to run through my sub 2000. Ive read the nato rounds run hotter then standard pressure. For the folks that are way more ammo savvy then myself, do you consider 9mm nato the fmj version of +p? Ive done some digging, and it appears nato runs in between standard pressure and +p. Thanks!!!

    Tactically Fat

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    Oct 8, 2014
    A bit of internet sleuthing says that KelTec does not recommend +p or +P+ ammo be used in the Sub2000.

    9x19 NATO is, on average, about par with a 115gr 9mm +p load as far as chamber pressures are concerned.

    Take that for what you will - it's your gun.


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    Sep 3, 2020
    Clark County
    I bought a bunch of 9mm Nato to run through my sub 2000. Ive read the nato rounds run hotter then standard pressure. For the folks that are way more ammo savvy then myself, do you consider 9mm nato the fmj version of +p? Ive done some digging, and it appears nato runs in between standard pressure and +p. Thanks!!!
    I have a KT Sub 2000 and bought some 9mm Nato ammo. I had the same question and after some research I decided not to use it in my Sub 2000.


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    Oct 24, 2015
    NATO spec is a narrow band of the overall 9mm range. 9mm non-nato max chamber pressure of 34kpsi(CIP) or 35kpsi (SAAMI), NATO spec is 36k so yes, it's basically +p

    SAAMI +P is 10% overpressure so 38.5kpsi max. cartridges specs aren't "at" a pressure, they're up to that pressure. Everything over it is the next step up. 35001kpsi is +P just as much as 38.5kpsi. 9mm NATO's 36k spec isn't "between" normal and +P, it IS +P. There's no consideration, it just is.

    If KT doesn't OK the use of +P they won't be OK with running 9mm NATO either.


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    Feb 9, 2022
    East Central Indiana
    I knew you all would come through. Much appreciated. Here’s one more for ya. Would you consider S&B 124gr fmj nato? It’s understood they are produced on the hotter side. Side note, I’ve had a few subs over the years and they have ate everything. I was just surprised to find fmj rounds running as hot as +p. Needed to scratch that itch.


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    Feb 9, 2022
    East Central Indiana
    Didn’t realize they had a nato version. Thanks!! There’s a definite difference between the standard s&b and other factory ammo. I’m sure their nato version is full of **** and vinegar.


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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County
    I bought a bunch of 9mm Nato to run through my sub 2000. Ive read the nato rounds run hotter then standard pressure. For the folks that are way more ammo savvy then myself, do you consider 9mm nato the fmj version of +p? Ive done some digging, and it appears nato runs in between standard pressure and +p. Thanks!!!
    9mm Nato nowadays is usually 124gr FMJ, and its usually loaded to what would be +P pressure.
    Now not all 9mm NATO is the same. Some are loaded to standard 9mm pressure.
    Lake City Winchester 9mm NATO is your hotter ammunition.

    Just FYI
    5.56x45mm NATO is hotter than 223 Remington.
    7.62x51 NATO has less pressure than 308 Winchester.
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