I should have been more clear, in case I was misunderstood. The 115 gr wasn't all over the place in the sense of target placement, but when you go to buy ammo 115 is all over the place.While all guns have their loads they like. The issue with 115 factory loaded range ammo is a couple things.
1st 9mm 115 ball target range fodder is made or put together about as cheap as it can be. 2 while no it’s not a sniper round or anything I also believe the mass on 115 ball can sometimes be just enough less than 124-147 that you can see some diminishing accuracy. Nothing that makes it unsuitable to put it in a A zone but not match grade either.
Now I use to be issued Federal 9bp 115 JHP and it was a lot more accurate than any ball 115 so if it’s a premium load it should (should) shoot better than ball
I have. Early S&W M&P that shoots like a laser with 115, 124 and 147 and probably would of unloaded white rocks in a case too LOL
My Sig 226 Legion while is pretty accurate with anything a 124 and 147 is night and day difference better!
You are absolutely right. The best ammo in my 92 may not be the best out of my 9 mm carbine or a different handgun.