If I am not mistaken that ass hat they elected in Michigan at some point denied it, but again she is a first class posI sure don't know anyone that denys it happening....the official narrative however, yes.
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2 years since I posted this. In that 2 years as well as the 21 years prior, I have not forgotten a thing - not the shock, disbelief, sadness, anger. Nor have I forgotten the ‘togetherness’ the country experienced after…how far we have fallen from that high point.My oldest son ( Foreign Service Officer with State Dept ) was visiting. He was scheduled to fly back to DC later. I was just finishing breakfast with my normal bunch of guys ( tv was on Today Show ) when first plane hit. Everyone assumed a small plane had some how hit. I paid, left, and drove 1.5 miles home. Turned on tv and was watching coverage. Son came downstairs just as second plane hit. We sat there watching. As the facts and scope of what was happening became more clear, he was on phone with DC. Soon figured out we weren’t making the hour drive to the airport that day. Son went back upstairs for most of the day. I could here him on the phone off and on. I sat glued to tv alternating between being horrified, next to tears, and as angered as I have ever been in my lifetime but unable to do anything.
Interesting, I was working outside installing irrigation about 2 1/2 miles south of BWI airport that day.I worked at an air carrier on 9/11. Yes, this date hits hard.
I turned to the history channel last night and a special was running in a loop on 9/11. I didn't make it through the whole show.
At my work in NW IN, the sky was quiet. Seemed like the world had put on a Do Not Disturb sign. We had a small TV, reporting late news. No customers for hours. We checked to see if our phones were working.Interesting, I was working outside installing irrigation about 2 1/2 miles south of BWI airport that day.
My wife called me and said a plane just hit one of the World Trade buildings.
As we were talking she watched the second plane hit. She put a tape in the recorder and recorded it for the next 8 hours.
What affected her the most was watching those that jumped from the towers.
It changed her Church of God life seeing that.
DC, MD and VA were a standstill that day.
It was about 4 hours for a hour and 20 min ride. Before I left the job the sky's were empty except for the fighter jets endlessly flying around DC.
Well there is also the POS from Minnesota...If I am not mistaken that ass hat they elected in Michigan at some point denied it, but again she is a first class pos
Well there is also the POS from Minnesota...
"Some people did something."