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    1. Bugzilla

      The Truth about Tim Walz

      His dumb azz handlers don’t even have him hunting the right game! Be vewy vewy quiet, I’m hunting wabbits!, He-e-e-e-e!
    2. Bugzilla

      Happy Columbus Day, Colonizers!

      indigenous in-ˈdi-jə-nəs ADJECTIVE produced, growing, living, or occurring natively or naturally in a particular region or environment indigenous plants Doesn’t this describe everyone born here?
    3. Bugzilla

      Your First World Problems

      Every time I go back to the “Whats New” thread to find the good post I read yesterday it’s no longer there.
    4. Bugzilla

      The Funny Picture/Video Thread, 16th Edition…The laughs just keep on coming…

      You can cure ignorance. You can’t cure stupid!
    5. Bugzilla

      Long time lurker

      Welcome from DeMotte!
    6. Bugzilla

      Today's You Can't Make This Sh*t Up News

      I enjoy doing that just to see how incompetent people are.
    7. Bugzilla

      Do we now need a crossbow thread?
    8. Bugzilla

      The Funny Picture/Video Thread, 16th Edition…The laughs just keep on coming…

      Much better video if you have a buzz!
    9. Bugzilla

      The Funny Picture/Video Thread, 16th Edition…The laughs just keep on coming…

      Living the dream my man, living the dream!
    10. Bugzilla

      New here.

      Welcome from DeMotte! If you read most of the existing posts, you may find 50 that are quality!
    11. Bugzilla

      NY: Christian v James “Vampire” ban on carry on private property
    12. Bugzilla


      Welcome from DeMotte!
    13. Bugzilla

      NWI INGO General Thread #27 - Fresh Pink Air On US-30 smells like...

      NIPSCO literally put about $500,000 into RMSGS and Michigan City generating stations for pollution control 2 years before they decided to shut them down. Coal is a major cost for NIPSCO. Since they built all these solar farms and get their green energy from western wind farms, and are closing...
    14. Bugzilla


      Welcome from DeMotte!
    15. Bugzilla

      POLITICAL pictures - Funny (unlikely), Sad (more likely) Infuriating (most likely)

      Better be careful. It might try to go up your azz!
    16. Bugzilla

      Kamala Harris for president 2024

      FIFY, Harris economy
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