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    1. woody131

      Stout Field gun show

      Is it this weekend July 6&7?
    2. woody131

      Indy 1500: 31 May-2 June

      When did they start a new policy with no firearms without a ffl?
    3. woody131

      Indy 1500: 31 May-2 June

      Just fyi don’t buy the first one ya see. HB firearms out of Borden gives Acme a pretty good run for the money on those PD shotguns.
    4. woody131

      Property tax needs to be repealed / abolished NOW! (Morgan Co info here)

      If you could just get them to drop taxes after the property is paid for it would make retirement more attainable.
    5. woody131

      Stout Field gun show

      Stop by on your way to or from the world of wheels this weekend. This is always a good show.
    6. woody131

      Stout Field gun show

      Don’t forget the Stout Field show is this weekend. March 23rd and 24th!
    7. woody131

      Indy 1500: 8-10 March

      It’s Guns&Rosa’s targets. They don’t set up at the 1500.
    8. woody131

      WTS: Transferable RPB M11 .380 Mac

      I’ll be at Indy 1500 March 8,9&10th if there’s any serious buyers wanting to inspect I can bring to the show.
    9. woody131

      Ferdinand Gun and Knife Show Jan 27th - 28th

      I thinks it’s about 200 tables but not 100% positive.
    10. woody131

      Indy 1500: 10-12 November

      I’m the can guy. I wasn’t sweating it. See you In January!
    11. woody131

      WTS: Transferable RPB M11 .380 Mac

      I have a M11 A1 transferable Mac .380 on from 4 south side Indy. MG and 2 mags. Runs A1. Perfect candidate for a lage upper and caliber conversions. In state transfer individual to individual preferred. Out of state transfer to dealer must paid 100% in advance before paper work begins. $11,500
    12. woody131

      NFA Timelines Thread

      I called Nfa branch on Monday. The guy I talked to said they were averaging 310 days for the snail mail form 4s I was inquiring about.
    13. woody131

      Holland Kiwanis Club show, Huntingburg

      I think this will be my 6th year attending this show. Definitely one of the best shows in the state.
    14. woody131

      Ferdinand show

      Awesome show! The promoters and staff are a great group of people.
    15. woody131

      Ferdinand show

      This will be the first time down there for me, but I’ve always heard good things.
    16. woody131

      Ruger carbine in 5.7x28

      Truck gun accuracy is almost a given. I was hoping to use the 5.7 as a varmint rifle. Ballistic wise it’s 22 hornet so 20rd semi auto is very appealing. But hitting a running coyote at 100-150 yards is testing my skill set to say the least. If the rifle is only minute of man accurate I’m not...
    17. woody131

      Ruger carbine in 5.7x28

      Has anyone done any accuracy testing with the new ruger carbine? I don’t expect it will rag one hole at 100 but 6 inches at 100 would detour me from buying one.
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