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    1. Winamac

      WTS: 32 special Lever Revolution

      Is this the same as 32 Winchester Special?
    2. Winamac

      1895 winchester

      ^^^^^ Yes this^^^^^^^^^ I did it with both of my pre-WWII 94's. Each letter I believe cost me $60.00. I my opinion it was worth it. :)
    3. Winamac

      Need advise against a anti-gunner/liberal family member

      She is a demo-rat. Therefore refuses to accept facts over emotion. Like all demo-rats.
    4. Winamac

      Need advise against a anti-gunner/liberal family member

      She never engages my wife and I face to face on the subject. It is always in text or face-book. We have taken advise given by many here and we just do not engage. She is just looking for a fight and I/we truthfully do not want to expend the energy as it is a waste so we ignore. She is not blood...
    5. Winamac

      Rate my wallhanger project (so far).

      ^^^^^^ This definitely^^^^^^^^
    6. Winamac

      NWI meet n shoot Date set for Saturday Sept. 14th

      I had wanted to make it, but we had a church function. Did anyone take pictures?:)
    7. Winamac

      Wife says I don’t need it

      Just tell her " quiet, the men are talking here". That should solve your problem.:abused:
    8. Winamac

      Silicone Socks

      I keep all of mine in the safe with silicone socks on them. I of course apply a thin coat of Birchwood Casey's "Barrickade" oil on the firearm then in the sock it goes. Sock keeps the dents & dings from happening when removing my guns in and out. Been doing it for years. Got the idea from here...
    9. Winamac

      Need advise against a anti-gunner/liberal family member

      You must remember she is a liberal demorat. Facts mean nothing to them.
    10. Winamac

      Need advise against a anti-gunner/liberal family member

      Thank you. That logic makes sense. Which is the point we are both now at.Just wanted some like minded folks opinion on the matter.
    11. Winamac

      Need advise against a anti-gunner/liberal family member

      My wife's cousin is a liberal teacher here in Indiana. My wife and I have been in a text battle with her regarding guns since this last school shooting happened.Which we agree is horrible. She just posted this. What can I reply with? She writes. " The problem is that private gun dealers don't...
    12. Winamac

      Back home again, in Indiana!

      You are right sir. As an example if one heads north toward Michigan City and the Indiana Dunes state park it is a different kind of view. Nothing like standing atop a sand dune and looking at the Indiana ocean (lake Michigan). It is a sight to behold. Just my :twocents:
    13. Winamac

      Can someone please talk me out of this

      When you do get one.I would encourage you to buy a "Pre-Ban". M1A. A Pre-ban are those M1A's manufactured before 1993. Those contain more GI parts VS post and current M1A's. Plus the early ones have the bayonet lug that just looks cool. :cool:
    14. Winamac

      Where did you "see" OC today?

      Saw a guy at Mcalisters restaurant in Logansport OC a 1911 with sweat pants on. Kinda had it in a cheap uncle mikes foam holster clipped to the pocket edge of his sweat pants. Looked reckless to me. I OWB carry with a leather paddle holster with my SA Hellcat, but I wear my shirt outside so it...
    15. Winamac

      New guy from SE Indiana.

      Real nice coal burners you got there. Congrats!! :thumbsup:
    16. Winamac

      Kamalas #2

      I am USAF Reserve retired. When our squadron recieved our mobilization orders for Afghanistan a year out in 2009 with deplyment in 2010. Once they read the orders to the squadron they made it clear that ANYONE who was elgible to retire or ETS had a deadline of that point to 8 mos out from...
    17. Winamac

      DNC Convention-Chicago fun 2024

      Yes... you noticed that as well. Its like the news channels have been campaigning for her.
    18. Winamac

      WTS: 7.62 X 51 (308) PRICE DROP ----SOLD---SOLD---

      FOR SALE: SOLD 80 rounds of surplus Portugese 7.62 x 51 (308) ammo. Ammo is clean in original boxes. Asking $30.00 for all. I live in Logansport Indiana. I will travel a short distance for sale. First "I'll Take It" by a PM wins. Any questions just let me know, happy to answer any. Thanks for...
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