Danger Will Robinson . . . our intel suggests that once again those evil insolent bowling pins are planning yet another uprising. Hopefully the rain will subside long enough for a few dedicated pin busters to slay the impertinent pins and crush the bowling pin coup d'etat.
Every month we find these evil bowling pins spreading their lies and unsavory rhetoric. Come on out on Saturday and help us squash their nefarious activities. Loaded up some 147gr HP yesterday. Found some 45acp ammo for the carbine. (bought new batteries for the holosight)
A little birdy told me that the evil bowling pins have threatened to assemble on Saturday morning with bad intentions. “This aggression will not stand, man.” We the people take their arrogant threats seriously. Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.
Those evil bowling pins had a reprieve last month as we did not engage them on the battlefield. They've had an extra month to plot yet another uprising. "They're living on nuts and berries, they're setting a bad example . . ." Hopefully this Saturday, with the help from many of you who were...
Beautiful day to go shooting today. Beautiful day to do something else. Apparently, something else was what was on most folk's agenda today. We only had 4 people show up for pins, so we opted not to shoot pins today. Hopefully next month we'll have a better turnout. Fear not Indy, the...
Just finished loading up some 147 gr 9mm rounds. They are specifically designed to silence those insulant bowling pins. Every month those evil bowling pins try to take over the world, but every month, just like Pinky & The Brain, they are thwarted by a band of dedicated shooters defending our...
These insolent bowling pins have been plotting and planning their evil violent attack on our quiet community all winter. Our intel suggests that we can squash their coup d'tat and prevent any further bowling pin atrocities by shooting them down from the tables where they assemble. If you'd like...
This will likely be our last bowling pin match of this year. (Although, the MCF&G website shows one on December 16. I believe the 12/16 match listed may not be valid). Bowling Pins matches usually start back up in April. (the pins shatter to much in colder weather) Hoping for favorable weather...
Insulant bowling pins. A month ago we handily dispatched their irreverent breatheren. Yet again, they threaten to disrupt our quiet peacefull life style. Once again, the evil bowling pins will stand in defiance - It will be our duty to knock them down (and off the table).