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    1. glockman23

      Talk me out of (or into) a P365XL

      I love my XL. Been my edc for a year and a half with no rust issues. I put a wilson combat grip module on and that thing is sweet. I would definitely recommend
    2. glockman23

      IMPD Shooting Glock Switch

      The couple I seen pics of had a visible "switch" on the back plate
    3. glockman23

      HK P2000sk 40S&W

      It's only fun if you can find the ammo
    4. glockman23

      HK P2000sk 40S&W

      Nice to know. I have the 357sig barrel for my .40 P2000. It's useless as I can't find ammo reasonably priced. I was under the impression you had to change springs etc to run 9mm. I'm on the hunt for a 9mm barrel now. Thanks
    5. glockman23

      Interarms Model 92 SRS

      Very interesting! Thanks for the info
    6. glockman23

      Interarms Model 92 SRS

      I'll definitely check in to a spring kit. I plan on putting a few rounds down range this weekend hopefully so I'll be interested to see how she runs
    7. glockman23

      Interarms Model 92 SRS

      Correct, no safety
    8. glockman23

      Interarms Model 92 SRS

      That's pretty much what I came up with. It's chambered in .357
    9. glockman23

      Interarms Model 92 SRS

      I picked up a Interarms Model 92 SRS in great shape for under $500. It's not a Winchester by any means but hey, it's a lever gun . How'd I do??
    10. glockman23

      What does everyone carry

      95% 365xl 4% P938 1% P2000 in .357
    11. glockman23

      Should I just get a Sig p365?

      The XL with WC grip has become my edc. Small, slim and holds 17rds with the macro mags
    12. glockman23

      HK P2000Sk .40 conversion barrel to .357 Sig...

      Just ordered!! Thanks for the info
    13. glockman23

      Best 40S&W pistol….

      Always loved the G23, but my 229 has easily taken its place at the #1 spot. #3 would be my P2000
    14. glockman23

      Plastic Gun Show-N-Tell

      My Glock 23 with the new talon grips that showed up today. These things are sweet and a piece of cake to install.:rockwoot:
    15. glockman23

      WTS: Glock 27

      SOLD SOLD SOLD 2.5 generation. Comes with tupperware box, cleaning rod and brush, (1) 9rd mag with pierce pinky extension and brite trijicon nite sites. No holster wear. I got this in a trade and was told only 20rds have been fired. I would guess that is true judging the condition. I have not...
    16. glockman23

      Who has the EXO 23's in stock???

      Has anyone seen them around town? I've seen a couple 19's but no 23's:xmad:
    17. glockman23

      Best 9mm for $400(ish)?

    18. glockman23

      Best 9mm for $400(ish)?

      Glock 19-26, the xd9sc or the kahr cw9 can all be found in your price range. Oh yea, WELCOME TO INGO!!!
    19. glockman23

      who does texture to the plastic guns ????

      Get a soldering iron with a sharp point and give it a try yourself. Practice on one of the kiddos toy guns or an old bb gun first. I stippled three of my glocks and my xd myself. Its a pretty awesome feeling when you do it yourself.
    20. glockman23

      Summer pistol

      I agree, if you dont go with the 26 then you should check out the kahr cw. Nice reliable gun for a fair price.
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