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    1. K

      Motorcycle Riders?

      I rode this year! First timer. It was soooo much fun. I had the stash waxed and looked quite dapper...for me.
    2. K

      Motorcycle Riders?

      People wash their bikes? Glad I got rid of my chrome monster!
    3. K

      I have a question can someone help

      Whatcha cookin'? (Here before you guys)
    4. K

      Are you voting?

      Vote for Wood Chipper 2024! If you don't know what this is, see YouTube.
    5. K

      FEDs raid Indycar team offices of RLL

      Yeah, Rahal was in 5th place during the 500 and maybe finished middle of the pack. How the heck does that happen? On another note, his Ducati / Piaggio dealership is now combined under 1 roof. I don't miss driving down to Brownsburg!
    6. K

      Tipton Gun Show Sept 14 and 15

      I've bought targets from them in the past. I'm standing pat on what I have but if I see something fun, who knows?
    7. K


      I've never been. A nice range?
    8. K

      Tipton Gun Show Sept 14 and 15

      I didn't go but might gimp around tomorrow depending how angry I am when I wake up.
    9. K

      Taser knife fight championship

      Funny but that in no way is "knife" fighting. The chalked edge blades sparring shows cuts and stabs. This is the easiest way to see if you would survive an encounter. The other is just zapping each other for fun.
    10. K

      Navy leader demoted after she conspired with chiefs to run illegal Wi-Fi network on warship

      Yeah, what he said. I one liner all the time because I am the blacksheep of the family and my Engrish not so gud.
    11. K

      Indy 1500: 6-8 September

      I used to enjoy selling at that show...I'm too old and grouchy to put up with the bs.
    12. K

      Escaping handcuffs with Swiss Army Knife

      Why not just hide a cuff key?
    13. K

      How do y'all pay for all the cool toys?

      Donate plasma plus sell stuff I am no longer enamored.
    14. K

      Octoberfest, what are you drinking?

      I've not had Rocktoberfest beers but have picked up some for my brother when I have been in Big Red Nobletucky.
    15. K

      Novelty guns what you got!!??

      I have my grandpa's pistol he kept in his desk drawer at Moon Welding. It's a S&W from 1892 that is a top break that uses the rear sight as a lever and a 'barleycorn' front sight. It is chambered in 38 S&W smokeless powder. I also have that same desk and last box of ammo he bought before he...
    16. K

      Nashville Police Chief Removed by Town Council, Her Supporters Are “Ashamed” and “Outraged”

      I wish I had that much hair and height! Short bald Asian with Jr. fat boy starter kit and tattoos.
    17. K

      Navy sidelines 17 ships

      With pansies at the helm.
    18. K

      Nashville Police Chief Removed by Town Council, Her Supporters Are “Ashamed” and “Outraged”

      I'm innocent. It wasn't me riding my bike down there all the time.
    19. K

      Hello from Miami county

      Welcome from Kokomo.
    20. K

      Hello Everyone!

      Welcome aboard from ex-gunner's mate!
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