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    1. Audie Murphy's Girl

      WTS: SOLD Tavor SAR

      Looking to sell my TAVOR SAR 18 inch in FDE. Lots of upgrades. Tavor SAR 18 inch FDE Will include: Tavor SAR 18 inch FDE Geissele Super Sabra hammer pack Geissele Lightening Bow Full length razorback optics rail Lucky Irishman M-Lok handguard FAB Defense Podium Bipod mounted to the...
    2. Audie Murphy's Girl

      WTS: SOLD Savage Model 11 in Oryx chassis

      Looking to sell my model 11 308 in a MDT ORYX CHASSIS. Will come with factory odg stock and weaver optics rail. Optic is a Athlon Neos 6-18x44 BDC IR. $750 without optic, $850 with optic. Warsaw. Face to face
    3. Audie Murphy's Girl

      CAI Centurion AK Pistol - Anyone have one?

      If you don't buy it, give me the guys info and I will. I know someone that'll make a nice Christmas gift for.
    4. Audie Murphy's Girl


      That would be a nice piece. 7.62 x 25 is nice hot round
    5. Audie Murphy's Girl

      New INGO rules?

      It's always been that way
    6. Audie Murphy's Girl

      New Guy

      Welcome to INGO from Warsaw
    7. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Lost the tip of my trigger finger last night (graphic pic)

      He does Doc, I told him not to smoke already because of how it will effect the healing but he is so stubborn that he probably will.
    8. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Lost the tip of my trigger finger last night (graphic pic)

      Audie just took a pain pill and went back to bed.
    9. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Lost the tip of my trigger finger last night (graphic pic)

      Supposed to call ONE and schedule a follow up
    10. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Lost the tip of my trigger finger last night (graphic pic)

      BGDave, they are pics that he took just before the ortho surgeon went to work.
    11. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Now the actor activist are getting invloved.
    12. Audie Murphy's Girl

      WTS/WTT: AR 15 rfile w/accessories

      Sold thanks for looking.
    13. Audie Murphy's Girl

      Glock 17 magazines

      Those are the Korean made ones. I have run the Kahn ones which I believe were made by the same manufacturer as the KCI.I have had no problem with mine and they drop free just like the OEM magazines from Glock.
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