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    1. K

      Can you identify this bayonet?

      the symbol means it was made by the Tokyo arsenal, if made prior to 1936 or Kukura arsenal 1936-1945, how are the grips fastened? screws or rivots? does it have a serial number on it?
    2. K

      Browning Sweet Sixteen Question

      I am done buying guns, thanks anyway
    3. K

      Browning Sweet Sixteen Question

      I roll my own
    4. K

      Browning Sweet Sixteen Question

      I also shoot a citori 16 ga, just wanted to give you some backup, anyway I only have an older pre sweet 16 from 1929 but not a new one, the older one does just fine, no reason to upgrade.
    5. K

      Best entry level budget competition pistol?

      how about a witness silver team, match barrel, compensator, single action trigger, drilled and tapped, it makes me a better shooter
    6. K

      21 Sharp-New cartridge

      whats wrong with the 357 sig, I love it
    7. K

      Old Eyes

      I have been putting red dots on my go to iron sighted pistols
    8. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      got it thanks, working up my loads, hit the range nextweek
    9. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      how do you know out of each nod which is the more accurate load? and why is the most accurate have to be part of a nod?
    10. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      what does NOD mean? and how do you select which load? trial and error, mathematics, ballistics?,
    11. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      so is 33.3 your winner?
    12. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      I like your methodology, but why is the lowest powder charge on the high end the most accurate? do you double check by shooting groups?
    13. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      shooting off hand, I am happy with minute of man
    14. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      went thru my stash and found a box of 69gr match kings, going to load a few loads and weigh the powder by hand rather then my lee auto disc. see what happens
    15. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      you are so right, first time shooting this gun in over 10yrs(got into shooting trap). the plan is to become proficient in my guns I would use if the SHTF.
    16. K

      55 gr vs heaver 223 bullets revisited

      In a thread below I asked about bulk 55 gr bullets and the consensus was I should try a heaver bullet, but since I have 4000+ 55 gr I think I will make them work, here is my target today 5 shot groups at 100 yds, shooting my older Armilite M15A4 from the 1990`s, it has a 3x9 leopold on top. 20...
    17. K

      problem with 357 sig bullets from RMR

      RMR says the longer bullets are correct, the shorter are a result from system problems like low lubrication. I am going to separate them and load them with different seating depth, my biggest fear is pushing the small ones in too far and create a compressed load
    18. K

      problem with 357 sig bullets from RMR

      I am loading brass with same head stamp
    19. K

      problem with 357 sig bullets from RMR

      the OAL with the longer bullet is 1.1 inch, the shorter .95
    20. K

      problem with 357 sig bullets from RMR

      I should clarify, its not so much of a seating depth problem but an OAL problem, no problem with my seater, it worked great with their flat nose bullets.
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