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    1. Alamo

      Welcome to San Francisco!

      This article is primarily about a high-end restaurant throwing in the towel, but it has an extensive run down on how business in SF is circling in the toilet. (Have you ever noticed that the British papers, despite their flaws, always have much better details than US media?)...
    2. Alamo

      [DGU] The 'Defensive Gun Use' Thread

      Douglas County Georgia Some missing details, but: Man breaks into home at 0500. Homeowner shoots him dead. Burglar turns out to be off-duty “Investigator of the Year” from Atlanta Police Department. Confusion in progress. ...
    3. Alamo

      Trump 2024 — The second term

      Elon is definitely all in.
    4. Alamo

      Cute Pet Pic thread

      Goldie loves to sleep on my slippers or my sox.
    5. Alamo

      Federal Judge Vacates ATF’s Unlawful “Frame or Receiver” Rule

      I turned 18 all a senior in high school, registered to vote, and immediately after graduation from Brown County High School in 1978 I was called to jury duty. It was a civil trial that featured plaintiff-provided video testimony from a psychiatrist or psychologist, I forget which, about the...
    6. Alamo

      [DGU] The 'Defensive Gun Use' Thread

      Elgin South Carolina Circle K 2am. Would-be robber. Won’t-be victim clerk shoots him. Police arrest him with “minor injury.”
    7. Alamo

      [DGU] The 'Defensive Gun Use' Thread

      Detroit Michigan The DGU that should have been. Woman’s ex-boyfriend wants to get back together, she said no. He goes full retard stalker mode. In June he assaults her in public. Last month he tricks her into answering door at her apartment, she manages to get back inside. Day later he hides...
    8. Alamo

      Israel Hezbollah/Lebanon War

      Casualty Update #2 Reports on X that Iranian missiles also fell on two Iranian cities.
    9. Alamo

      1st Amendment under fire?

      Law struck down. No oral argument. Except for one piece dealing with audio? Have only skimmed it so far.
    10. Alamo

      IL: Schoenthal v Raoul, Public Transpo Carry Ban

      As I read it, the judge’s stay against the law banning licensed carry on public transport, at least for the plaintiffs, will remain in effect. The judge is not going to sanction the defendant (State of Illinois). He did remind defendant that court filings have a higher standard than Facebook...
    11. Alamo

      The Funny Picture/Video Thread, 16th Edition…The laughs just keep on coming…

      Lol, some one Community-Noted this:
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