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    1. J

      What's your favorite caliber, and why?

      .45 ACP because I have fired 1/2 million of them in the last 46 years and enjoyed every one....
    2. J

      Removing rifling

      As 55fairlane said, a piloted reamer with an extension would be the way to go. It would take about an hour to modify a reamer so the tooling cost would be around $85. The barrel should be removed from the receiver to do the job properly. Total shop time would be around 2.5 hours so it would be...
    3. J

      Lefever Arms Co Parts

      The International Trafficing of Arms Regulations treaty restricts import/export of firearms and parts. This makes life difficult for gunsmiths and owners of vintage and modern firearms not made in one's country of residence. Probably not an unintended consequence of the regulations...
    4. J

      Any suggestions 1911 denting shell casings?

      Poor extractor tension is a likely cause.
    5. J

      Palmettos a no go with suppressors on there rifles?

      Barrel concentricity issues have been around for a long long time. WW2 produced US 1903A3 barrels were contoured in a hurry, there was a war on. I have personally seen several that came off sporterized 03A3s that the owners said point of impact shifted when shot quickly. After being replaced...
    6. J

      6.5 creedmoor head stamp ?

      Black Hills
    7. J

      Veteran's Admin say they will ignore Congress if it passes the 2nd Amend Restoration Act 2024

      The clip I saw showed a committee member asking the VA person if, should this bill become law, would the VA obey or ignore it. The VA person said they would not comply with the law if enacted.
    8. J

      Frontier Safes

      Welcome. Electronic or mechanical lock? The mechanical locks they used are S&G.
    9. J

      S&W 1917?

      No collector value as modified. Way up on the fun scale and very practical.
    10. J

      Grüß Gott!

      Ich bin auslander, nich verstehen.
    11. J

      Rando question: Why .32 in the "olden days"?

      .32 pocket revolvers were very popular until the mid 1960's. I had a friend who was a retired Columbus Ohio cop. He spent a number of years working with the coroner's office and asked the coroner what the most common caliber used in homicides. .32 was first and .22lr was second...
    12. J

      22LR Target rifles

      I have owned a BSA Matini 12 and 12/15. Both shot better than me.
    13. J

      CMP Tisas M1911A1

      The rules have changed drastically from the service pistol meant a government model 1911A1 or civilian made equivalent with adjustable sights and 4 pound trigger pull and using issued GI .45 acp ball ammo. Those pistols weren't marked DCM or CMP. The list of allowed pistols has expanded greatly...
    14. J


      All NM M14 rifles were made semi auto by removing the selector and replacing it with a dummy selector which were 2 pieces pinned together and the pin welded in. The dummy selector could be cut off and replaced with a functional one if needed by the military so it was not a permanent conversion.
    15. J


      We have a Democrat Congressman to thank for the pricing at the CMP. He amended the bill that created the CMP in the early 1990's to require all arms sold to sell at "fair market value".
    16. J

      Norinco 1897 opinions

      The Norinco 1897s are not takedown like the Winchester 1897. Thus it is unlikely the barrels will interchange
    17. J

      11.7 x56 Danish dies... CH makes them
    18. J


      I have owned a BSA model 12 and 12/15. They are great shooters.
    19. J

      Carry handgun with round in the chamber.

      I feel it comes down to training or lack thereof. I am still amused by the fact that the 1911 has a grip safety because the US Cavalry wanted the 1911 to be carried with a round in the chamber, cocked and UNLOCKED(safety off) to be able to be brought into action quickly. This idea did not...
    20. J

      Bullet puller recommendation

      Kinetic is the method for pistol. Sucks but is the only option.
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